Friday, March 23, 2012

New Year's Eve

Dec 31 - We had a pretty low key New Year's Eve this year. We drove down to Uncle Brian's house in the afternoon and spent the day there. I think there was a game on that the guys wanted to watch and the kids spent the day playing with their cousins, which they loved! They were running around like crazy and had so much fun. Curt and Carla were able to be there, too, so Rylee was especially happy to play with Raegan and it was fun to see them one more time before they went back to Texas. We also ate LOTS of yummy food! We headed home around 9:30 or so and put the kids in bed and then Darren and I watched the ball drop on TV. Pretty exciting, right? I didn't do a great job of picture taking. The kids were all over the place! But, I did get a few pictures of the tea party they had. Lauren is so cute with the younger kids and was so nice to play with them and helped them set this all up. They loved it! Cute cousins (Avery, Raegan, Rylee and Lauren) They loved that they put REAL food and water in the tea party stuff and they liked Lauren's dressups. Logan spent most of his time playing with Spencer. They were having so much fun! But, he decided to check out the tea party for a little bit, too.

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