Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Christmas Eve, part 2

This year was my favorite Christmas Eve that we have ever had because we were home at a good time and able to do some fun things with our kids that we usually have to rush through or just skip all together. We got home from our fun day at Grandma Boman's about 4 in the afternoon and had the rest of the night to do our own thing. It was so nice! We love celebrating with our extended family, but our kids are getting old enough that we also want to do some traditions of our own, too.
We got the kids dressed up and ready for dinner. Since we were cooking a BIG Christmas dinner the next day and because we hadn't been home all day, we decided to try a new tradition - Chinese for dinner! It was so fun and the kids loved it! I love my little monkeys
Avery showing off her outfit
She loves having her picture taken! I LOVE it!
Rylee - She picked out her outfit all on her own. It was a lot of grey, but whatever works...
Eating our yummy Chinese Christmas Eve dinner.... Fa-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra! Gotta love the Christmas Story movie!
After dinner, we came home and frosted cookies for Santa. I have discovered the BEST thing! If you get Bountiful Baskets, they will do sugar cookie packs for all the holidays. They are so yummy and even come with colored frosting. I am the worst cookie baker and it always seems to make me stressed and makes a huge mess. My kids really only care if they frost them anyway, so I love getting these and saving myself a little stress at the holidays... Rylee loves to do kitchen stuff - She loves cooking and making things! And her apron.
Love the look of concentration...
Logan isn't always into this kind of thing, but he was having a great time frosting and being really creative.
Love this face! Seriously, this girl pulls more faces than anyone I know and makes me laugh all the time!
Her finished cookie!
Rylee and her finished cookieLogan wanted to make his snowman cookie with a face so he dug through all these sprinkles to find just the ones he wanted for a face. I was pretty impressed!
Logan's Snowman cookie - He did a great job!
My sister suggested that the kids make elf doughnuts when we were at my mom's, but then they never got around to it. So, of course, when we got home the kids wanted to make those, too. They were just cheerios with some frosting and sprinkles. The kids thought they were awesome! They each picked one of their cookies to give to Santa. We also put a few elf doughnuts on the plate and made sure to leave carrots for the reindeer! And Logan wrote a letter to leave. Rylee's cookie is the multi colored stocking. She was pretty proud of her color mixing. Logan's is the tree and the red one was one of Avery's. We got to eat some of the others and we had a few to save for later. Since we were at Grandma's house that morning, Logan didn't have a chance to open his Star Wars Advent Calendar for the day, so we had to do that next. It was a Yoda Santa and he loved it! We also had to finish our chocolate advent calendars. I think they all had one left somehow. Avery ate lots of hers way too early, but somehow we saved the Christmas Eve one!
Then, it was time to open Christmas PJs!
All dressed up in their cute PJs and ready to read the Christmas story. I loved the girls' this year! I found them when I was shopping in Vegas at the outlets in October and HAD to have them! They said "Santa's Little Helper" and came with a tutu. Rylee LOVED that part. Avery did NOT! Logan's were Lego Star Wars, so that was perfect for him. After we read the Christmas story and sang a couple songs, we all talked about something that we could give to Jesus as a present. Something like being more kind, etc. Then, it was off to bed! I thought they would have a hard time going to sleep, but they were all pretty good about it and fell asleep pretty fast! Logan kept asking what time he could get up in the morning. He has an alarm clock in his room and he wanted to set it really early! It started with 6 am, which we were ok with, but then it was getting earlier and earlier.... He was hoping to get up at 3 am! We told him 6 was the earliest! He was SO excited! I love kids at Christmas! It is so fun!!!

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