Monday, March 26, 2012


I think this is my last post to finish 2011!!! It took me about a month longer than I hoped, but it is done. I actually still have Disneyland, but that is going to be some serious work, so I am going to move ahead for now. It feels good to be ready to blog the current year.... 1/4 of the way through it....

December was a busy month with all of our Christmas festivities and family stuff going on. I just love it! I think most of the stuff I posted in seperate entries, so there isn't a whole lot left over....

Dec 4 - As soon as it is December, it is time to break out the Christmas outfits. And take some pictures. Ry loves posing!
Looking so sweet!
Avery's turn - This was just one of her Christmas outfits. That skirt was actually Rylee's. It was fun to get it out again.
Avery and her many faces...
She is into posing lately too. That is without any coaching. Wonder where she learned that from???
Silly face!
Logan HATES his picture taken so there aren't as many of him.
He is getting so handsome though! All 3 of my cuties!!!

Dec 14 - Uncle Jeff came up for an Aggie game and to hang out for a little while. The kids love playing with him and he is so good to play Princesses or Star Wars or whatever they are playing. We tried to get as much "Uncle Jeff time" as we could in December because we knew he was leaving on his mission soon.
Dec 17 - We went down to Salt Lake for our family Christmas party and it happened to fall on the same weekend as the Real Salt Lake open house. Darren decided to get season tickets this year, so he wanted to go find out some more information and thought it would be neat to tour the stadium. We got to see Leo the lion and drink LOTS of free hot chocolate and daddy found out lots and bought some tickets!
Avery watching "Santa Leo" She was fascinated by him, but a little nervous, too...Waving at Santa Leo

We also took the tour. We got to go right down on the field. Daddy was so happy!
We also got to go to the Locker room. Here is Logan by his favorite player's locker - Kyle Beckerman! Dec 21 - Logan's class Christmas party. I was in charge of the game or activity. We played the Driedel game with Hershey kisses. The kids seemed to have a great time! It is fun to go into his class and see how he interacts with all the other kids.
Dec 22 - We got a fun surprise this year! We always mail our letters to the North Pole, but we have never gotten a letter back. This year, Rylee did! It caused a little bit of sibling jealousy since no one else did, but it was pretty neat to hear back from the big man himself. Rylee was So thrilled! And...Logan was a little better for the rest of the month just in case he didn't get a letter because he was on the naughty list... It's really from the North Pole!!! Ry's letter
Dec 22- To celebrate a day off of school, we headed to Daddy's office for some cleanings. Logan did great and is STILL in the NO Cavities club! He got a cool soccer toothbrush, too.
This was Avery's very first visit. She really liked the waiting room...
She did pretty good for her cleaning. I think if we would have let her go first, she would have done better. Sadly, she did have a cavity, so I guess we will be making a return trip soon. All that candy and her sweet tooth do not help with the cavities! Mommy had her first cavity, too, so I guess we will have to suffer together!
Rylee did great and had no cavities! She picked a butterfly toothbrush. She also picked out her entire outfit for the day. She loves her accessories!
Dec 23 - On the way down for our sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa Boman's the night before Christmas Eve, we made a stop at the Willard Bay lights. It is so fun to drive through! It was really late and the line was SOOOO long, so we didn't do the wagon ride or Santa or anything. Just drove through. The kids loved finding some of their favorite characters and seeing SO many lights!
I think Avery enjoyed it the most! She was really into it!
Dec 30 - Logan thought Rylee's lip gloss was chapstick... Oops! Logan loves to have basketball games up in our toy room. On this day, it was the Miami Heat vs the Lakers. He has to set up the scoreboard, do player introductions and the Star Spangled banner and he does commentary on the whole game. It is hilarious! He can keep going for hours.
The girls decided to be his cheerleaders. It was too cute!
I love that she crosses her legs!
Dec 31 - Bath Buddies!!! When my 2 oldest were little, I always took tub pictures of them. Now, bathtime is more of another chore or item to mark off my list, so I don't take many pics. My girls LOVE the bath though and have so much fun together. Poor Logan is too big now and has to take his own baths, but these girls have a great time "swimming" and playing mermaids and singing in the tub together! I love it!

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