Sunday, March 11, 2012

Rylee's Christmas Program

Dec 19th - Rylee's preschool did a cute little Christmas program right before the Christmas break. She was so excited about us coming to see her and talked about it for weeks! I LOVE her preschool! Her teacher is amazing and she loves going. Her teacher is also in our ward and almost all the kids are, too, so that makes it fun to go and see everyone. Rylee all dressed and ready to go for her big performance! Isn't she cute? PosingAvery wanted to be in a picture, too.
Rylee at the programThe kids all had Santa painted on their thumbs and they were pretty impressed by them!
Ready to start
Rylee crossing her legs - I love it! She did a great job singing all the songs and knowing the parts!
Rylee's cute little class - well... some of them. They all didn't quite fit in one shot and Darren had the camera so he didn't take a lot of pictures. Whitney, Gabe, Dessi, Krew, Rylee and Tate - The other kids in her class are 2 of her best little friends, Savanna and Kylie, and also Easton and Matthew.

The kids sang a couple of songs and also said a cute little rhyme about Santa. Part of it was something about him popping out of the chimney and then they put their thumb up and each had a little Santa painted on it. Rylee LOVED that part! She was so disappointed when the Santa rubbed off.
Rylee and her cute buddy Gabe. She used to always say she was going to marry Gabe, which was fine by me. I was great with that marriage - We love their family! But, now she says she can't because he is love with Dessi and Dessi loves him and they are boyfriend and girlfriend! Isn't this just preschool? I asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said, "Well, I sit by Matthew, so I guess he's my boyfriend." I'm going to have to talk to her about being a little bit selective....
Afterwards, we treated the girls to a special lunch at Noodles and Co. They loved it - Especially their special milks!
Avery enjoying the special day out, too!

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