Sunday, March 11, 2012

Family Christmas Party

Dec 17th - One of our kids' favorite parts of Christmas is the party at Grandma and Grandpa Webber's house. Every other year our party includes a SPECIAL GUEST - Santa! He is so great! It makes the party so much fun and the kids have a great time playing with their cousins and exchanging gifts. This is the only time that we all really get together for Christmas and it is always a lot of fun.
Once Santa arrived, all the kids sat and listened to everything he said! They loved him! We sang a few carols, too. Avery cuddled up with cousin Lauren. It was pretty cute.
Logan found Uncle Kevin. And his thumb...

Clapping along to one of the songs. I love Rylee's face in this one! She was loving Santa! Santa had a special goodie bag for each child with a $5 McDonald's gift card and some treats. Rylee went right up and gave Santa a big hug. I think she is over any fear she has had of him in the past. Since it was a little close to Christmas, Santa told the kids he wasn't taking any more new requests. (I love him for that!) But, Rylee still had to report on if she was being a good girl. Avery had been a little nervous about Santa before, but not this time! I think because it was the REAL Santa! And because he had candy!
Logan's turn
Santa always tells the kids he has a nice side and a naughty side. Logan made sure he didn't sit on Santa's naughty knee...
My Ry
Avery digging into her Santa treat! She LOVES chocolate! An attempt of a cousin picture with Santa - It was a little rough with that many little ones!
Back Row: Parker (holding Cameron), Ryan, Haley, Taylor and Spencer
Middle: Lauren, Katey, Cambree and Chloee
Front: Hayden, Mason, Raegan, Avery, Rylee, Liam and Logan (For some reason, Sophey is missing...)
Another try - This time we inherited an extra cousin. Darren's parent's had invited the family next door and somehow their little boy made it into the picture with the rest of the cousins. He is the one in front with the tie dyed shirt.
Our family with SantaAvery enjoying some of Grandma's yummy desserts - More Chocolate!!! Getting ready to do the cousin gift exchange. Avery had Spencer. She gave him a Star Wars model ship. Rylee had Haley again this year and she loved shopping for her! She loves shopping for anyone... She got her a Selena Gomez poster and some nail polish. Rylee got a Rapunzel from Raegan. We love her around here! Logan got an alien lego set from his buddy Mason. He also got Liam a pretty cool Optimus Prime transformer and was really excited to give it to him. Avery got a My Little Pony from cousin Sophey.
Avery reading a book with cousin Haley. She is starting to really love being around her cousins and interacting with them a lot more. Some of the older ones are so cute with her! Logan, Lauren and Avery watching a movie right before we had to leave. They look like they are really into it!
Rylee hanging out with Grandpa Bill in his chair.

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