Thursday, March 15, 2012

Christmas Eve, Part 1

Dec 24 - This year, our Christmas eve was a little different. We usually do a big traditional Christmas Eve dinner with my whole family, but we couldn't get every one's schedules to work out this year. So, we ended up doing a big breakfast and exchanging gifts in the morning. It was so nice! We were able to be home in plenty of time for our own traditions and the kids got to see everyone still. We went down the night before (the 23rd) and slept over at Grandma and Grandpa's, which the kids loved.

A funny story about our sleepover.... We got there pretty late (about 9:30 or so) and put the kids to bed. Darren went down to play Xbox with my brothers and my mom was working on a project for the kids' Christmas, so I made a late night Target run. When I go to Target, it is never fast. Especially if I don't have kids with me. I could wonder in that store for hours! Anyway - When I got back, it was about midnight and Avery came toddling down the stairs. I guess she had been up a couple of times and my mom and sister had both put her back to bed. This time, however, her face and hands were covered in chocolate. She came down and announced, "I not tired!" When I asked about the chocolate and where she found some, she immediately hid her head and wouldn't look at me. That is what Avery does when she gets into trouble. I got her cleaned up and went upstairs and saw some wrappers in the hallway outside my brother, Kyle's, bedroom. When I went in, I found his bag of Halloween candy in the very corner of his room back behind his bed and LOTS of wrappers and chocolate on his floor. She was obviously trying to hide with it and she had eaten a LOT! At least 3 or 4 Reese's cups and a few other things. He claimed it was pretty well hidden, so I have no idea how she found it. Little stinker!!! No wonder she wasn't tired. It was a little funny though.

The next morning, we got up and made a big, yummy breakfast! The crew cooking in the kitchen. I a made a yummy cinnamon roll cake and we had tons of other good food, too. Dean and Laura made waffles and strawberry and raspberry topping. So good! Chowing down on breakfast
Avery enjoying her breakfast after her late night
Cousin Ethan
Darren and I

My sister will love this picture.... This is my test to see if she still reads my blog.
The kids being silly with Uncle Brad. They were hiding under the blanket and then pulling it down and screaming and they thought it was the funniest thing ever! They did it over and over and were laughing so hard. Avery was especially into it.

After breakfast, we did some gift exchanging. Uncle Jeff had a job at JC Penney this year and he picked out some cute clothes for the kids all on his own. He was pretty proud of himself, too. Avery LOVED her pink hoodie! She LOVES anything with pockets right now. Especially if it has a hood. She wants to wear a jacket every day and then she wears the hood up and walks around with her hands in her pockets all the time. Such a funny girl! Rylee got the same hoodie in purple and Logan got a Cars shirt with a Lightning McQueen and Mater attached. Opening some more gifts... My brother Kyle gave Logan a whole box of stuff he cleaned out of his room. I think this HUGE dinosaur and the Magic Treehouse books were the most exciting, but Logan loved all the stuff he got. We had Jeff this year and we got him some Aggie basketball shorts and shirt to take on his mission for Pday and Fandango bucks. Kyle had us and he got us some massages. The kids were also excited to give Ethan a shirt and a Zhu Zhu pet.
Grandma got all the grandkids a kitchen to play with in the new toy room that she made for them. Now that more kids are out of the house, there is room for them to have their own play room and they love it! My favorite part is all the cool, old toys my mom has put in there. Like My Little Ponies and Flat Folks. Good memories!!! Ethan and Avery trying out the new kitchenAnd Grandma's BIG surprise for the new toy room was this puppet theater! Isn't it awesome? She BUILT it! The kids love it!!!
Avery trying out some of the puppets. The whole fam! Laura, Dean, Heather, Jay, Grandma, Grandpa, Brian, Vanessa, Jeff
Ethan, Kyle, Avery, Logan, Dad, Rylee, Brad and Mom
Me and my sister and our dueling bellies! We were pregnant together last time, but much closer together. Our babies were only 3 weeks apart. I think I am about 21 weeks here and she is around 36. Heather was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced at this point, so I didn't know if we would see each other pregnant again. She lasted until January 15th though.
Watching Home Alone. Avery's FAVORITE movie at Christmas time was Home Alone, or as she liked to call it "the Kevin Show". She would do THE face with her hands on her face and scream all the time and think it was so funny. She would copy lots of lines from the show, too. It was hilarious how much she remembered from the movie! I think it was more entertaining to watch her watch the movie than watch the movie itself. She could quote most of the movie while we watched it. She really didn't watch it that many times, but she would say tons of lines all the time. The morning after she watched it the first time, she came in and told me "Kevin! What you do to my room?" She thought it was so funny! She also picked up the famous "KEVIN!!!" and "Ahhhh!!!" and one of her other favorites was, "Buzz! Girlfriend! Woof!" However, her favorite was one I wished she hadn't picked up. She kept walking around saying "Sleep in my room, grow on my a**!" (This comes from the part where Buzz tells Kevin, "I wouldn't let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my...")The first time she said it, I think we probably laughed.... Oops! She just kept saying it! The best was when she said it in front of Grandpa!
Wrestling with Grandpa
Having fun in the toy room - Rylee was loving all the cool old toys we had and Grandpa was a good sport to play along.
Rylee playing in the store and kitchen Grandma set up. So much fun at Grandma's! It was hard to get them to go home that afternoon! Good thing we had the threat of Christmas. Grandma asked them if they wanted to sleepover again and I think they were seriously considering it until they realized they would miss SANTA!!!

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