Monday, July 25, 2011


Just a few moments from this last week...

Logan went on a little lunch date with Dad. Just the 2 of them for Chinese food. Just a little bit after they left, I got on my call on my cell from Darren and when I answered it, I heard Logan's cute little voice on the line. He told me he was having Egg drop soup and then he said, "I just wanted to call you because I missed you." How sweet is that? I love that boy!

Yesterday, Rylee got in trouble for pushing Avery off the couch and got sent to her room for a time-out. When I went up to talk to her, she was standing right inside the door. She had one of her purses packed to the brim with stuff and over her shoulder and a big bouncy ball under her other arm. As soon as I answered the door, she said, "I'm going to Mexico!"

One of Avery's new favorite words is Snuggle! She loves to climb up on my lap and say "Nuggle". Just typing it doesn't do it justice! She says it SO cute! We also did S'mores in the backyard this week and the way she said smore was so funny it had us all laughing. She is at such a fun stage and just in the last little bit has started to talk so much.

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