Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Conversations with Rylee

Rylee is a pretty funny girl these days. She cracks me up all the time!

Yesterday, we were getting ready for church and she was telling me about something that started with the letter P. She said, "You know, not the P that comes out of your privates, but P! Like the one that says Puh and starts with Grandma Pat."

This morning, Rylee was making a picture for her friend, Madi. She made us deliver it to Madi's mailbox today. While she was making it, she started talking about Madi's brother, Morgan. I have suspected for awhile that she might have a bit of a crush on him because she is always talking about him, but I was hopeful that she was much too young for that. She told her daddy that she wanted to make a picture for Morgan, too. Then she said, "We don't really play together because we aren't friends. I just like to look at him because he's SO handsome!" She is FOUR! We are in serious trouble!

Today, Rylee wanted to play that she was going to Mexico with her friend, Madi. Madi wasn't here, Rylee was just pretending. She does that a lot. She packed all of her things into a couple of her purses and then arrived at the "hotel" - her bedroom. I guess I was in charge of the hotel, so she asked me where the pool was. I started speaking in Spanish to her (well..using some of the few Spanish words that I know...) and told her they only speak Spanish in Mexico. After that, all of her conversations were in this hilarious accent that I guess is supposed to be Spanish! I was laughing so dang hard!!! She is quite the little actress.

One more moment that made me smile... Last night, we were driving home late from my Mom's. The kids were asleep, or so we thought. When we got into the canyon, we lost the radio reception, so Darren turned on the CD player and his Kenny Chesney CD started. It was the song "We went out last night." Immediately, we hear Logan humming along. I look back and he has this huge grin and is bobbing his head and humming, but with his eyes closed pretending that he is asleep. It was so cute!

1 comment:

Ginny Wright said...

I love these cute stories!