Thursday, July 14, 2011

First Piano Recital

May 20 - Logan started piano lessons way back in September. He wasn't too sure about them at first, but he has really started liking them and has been getting pretty good. He is leaning all the names of the notes and starting to read music. I didn't want to push him in too fast, so we started out doing lessons just every other week, but by the end of lessons, I think he was ready for more. He didn't always love practicing, but he was pretty good about doing it and loved learning new songs. He had his first recital and did a great job! He played a song called Christopher Columbus and had it all memorized for weeks. He made one little mistake during the song and kind of started to turn towards us, but then kept going with his song. When he sat down after his song, he said, "Yes! Perfect! I fixed all my mistakes." The highlight of the recital was definitely watching him go up there and announce his song. He looked so grown up and so confident. Then, instead of going AROUND the bench to sit down and play, he just climbed over straddle style. It was hilarious and had most of the little crowd cracking up. Oh, I love my Logan! I tried to get the video of his performance on here, but it wouldn't work. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong... Here are a few pictures of the big debut performance!
Logan and his teacher. He just loves her!
Logan was SO excited that Grandma Boman came to watch his first recital!
Mom and Dad with Logan. We are so proud of the great job he did on his piano performance and with practicing all year!

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