April 2 and 3 - Our kids were angels during General Conference this year. I always print them out packets to color and stuff to play Bingo, but it usually doesn't keep them that entertained for very long. They will listen for a speaker or 2 and then be off doing something else. Or fighting. This year, they were SO good during every session!
April 7 - Avery loves to watch Mommy put her makeup on and pretend she is doing her own in the mirror. This time she managed to sneak into the makeup and actually put on some of my eyeshadow. Its hard to tell, but she tried to put it on like lip stick. Little stinker!
April 8 - Mom turned THIRTY!!! Can you believe it? I am officially old!!!
April 9 - Dad picked up a cheese cake for Mom's birthday since we never actually did cake with the kids. They loved it!
Avery mostly just liked the raspberry topping
April 10 - Avery just looking cute for church. I got this dress out for her (it used to be Rylee's), but it was kind of small, so I took some pictures just in case she never gets to wear it again.
While I was taking her pictures, my phone started to ring and my ringtone is "Pokerface" by Lady Gaga. Avery loves that song and points to her face like this every time she hears it.
I wish she was this happy and smiley for her nursery teacher!
April 10 - We went to Sunday dinner at Grandma Boman's house. Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura couldn't make it to Rylee's party the week before so they gave her their present then. She LOVED it! A Princess art set - It was perfect for her!
Uncle Brad got out his lizard and Logan got pretty brave and even touched it! He is not really a fan of these kind of things and usually the girls are more into it than him, so this was a big deal!
Love this funny face
April 12 - Avery loves watching the frogs - I think she might even like them more than the bigger kids. She will slide a chair over from the table to the counter and watch them for a long time and say "rog" over and over. She is very entertained by them!
April 12 - Logan all ready for his very first soccer game! He is loving soccer more and more. His dad is his coach this year and he loved that! The games were all pretty chilly, or at least the first few were. He has done great and scored quite a few goals, and every time he scores, he has an awesome celebration, like a knee slide by the corner flag, just like the pros. He is quite entertaining.
April 13 - Logan was so excited for Miss Q and Mr U to get married! They did this really cute activity at school and got all dressed up for the occasion! His student teacher pretended to get married since Q and U always go together. They each took a present that started with a Q (Logan took Quaker granola bars) and they even got to eat wedding cake.
April 14 - Joy School is coming to a close! I am sad! This last lesson was one of my favorites. It was all about imagination. They all chose their very own dressups from our collection, we took a flight to the moon and went on a bear hut and had a picnic. It was a fun day!
Our craft was to make a picture out of lots of different shapes and colors and use their imagination. They did a great job!
Ry put together this ensemble - I'm not too sure how she came up with this combination. She said she was a Bunny Princess... She has bunny ears, an Ariel wig, an apron, a necklace and a Cinderella dress. Such a funny girl!
Darren is enjoying my new camera, too. He took this picture of our dessert one night.
April 16 - For awhile, my kids went through a phase where Logan and Rylee were sleeping in the same room. Rylee would beg every night to sleep on Logan's floor so she wouldn't be scared and Logan would say that he liked the "company". I thought it was kinda' sweet! And they were both sleeping pretty well that way, so I didn't really mind. Whatever works! April 17 - Avery and Daddy just hanging out before church. She was sitting there so cute on his lap while he was reading, which is something that she rarely does because she is such a busy girl, so I tried to get a picture, but she saw me too soon. Then she was introducing me to daddy. She loves to say all of our names right now. And, she is always naked on Sunday mornings because we have late church and if I get her dressed, she always spills or makes a mess on her dress and I have to change her. And then I usually have to change Rylee too so they will match. Ridiculous, I know...
Darren took these pictures of Avery pounding on the door and crying while I was going to the bathroom. She is going through a Momma's girl stage at the moment and thinks she has to be with me all day every day - even when I'm in the bathroom!
Apr 17 - I asked Rylee to help me wash the potatos for Sunday dinner (which she LOVES to do - it is one of her favorite jobs, although she does still call potatoes tomatoes no matter how many times we correct her...) and she came up with this outfit. She put on a little apron and then she put on her little chef hat, but she put it on like a bonnet. This girl cracks me up! She loves clothes and accessories! The other day, Darren went upstairs and she had pulled a shirt on a hanger out of the closet and hung some shorts with them and left them hanging in the bathroom for him. She loves to help everyone pick out their clothes!
Another picture of the potato washing outfit...
And the poses she comes up with... She is too funny! That girl has SO much personality!
April 19 - As a mom, it doesn't get much better than this! This wasn't posed or anything! I actually found them lying like this reading together. It melted my heart and made my day! Maybe even my week. They can be so sweet to each other sometimes. I just love it! And while that reading was going on, this one was sitting on the couch reading a book of her own. Pure bliss for Mom!
April 21 - These pictures are all blurry because I don't know what I am doing with my camera still, but I loved some of the expressions. Rylee and Daddy were having a boxing match and they were having so much fun. Darren is such a good daddy to always play with the kids! And they all love to box! My favorite is when Avery puts on the gloves and starts punching. It is hilarious!
April 22 - Another day at the soccer fields. This time was actually a little bit warmer than most! Cute Avery is a pretty good sport most of the time to sit and watch her brother. I love her little crossed feet!
She does especially well at the games if you keep giving her treats... This particular game, my friend had given me some pink Peeps and Avery had them all gone by halftime! She loved them! And they looked good on her, too. Gotta love those sticky pink lips!
After the soccer game, we went for a special yummy family treat - Ice cream at one of our favorite places - Caspers!
I think he has a brain freeze...He looks like he's in pain!
On the way home, Avery was just being silly. She refused to let me take off her jacket when I buckled her and then she kept hiding in her hood the whole way home.
She loves to be silly and she loves to hide!
April 24 - We spent Easter Sunday eating dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Bomans' house. I am in love with these pictures of Avery! On a side note, she cut FOUR new teeth the night before. If you look, you can see them poking through.
Avery and Ethan - The best of friends and the worst of enemies! They seem to always want the same things and end up fighting a lot. But, they love each other and are always excited to be together.
Grandma gave each of the kids a special Easter suprise. Rylee's was a Princess Bead book. You can make tons of creations with little plastic beads, like tiaras and necklaces and bracelets. She loves it!
They also each got a really cute candy sucker!
Avery also got a cute little Peek-A-Boo book that she loves. She really likes lift the flap books right now. But she REALLY liked her sucker! It was like a sticky, gummy candy and she had it all over her face!
Logan got a giant book about dinosaurs and he couldn't wait to start reading!
April 26 - Just another one of Rylee's fabulous clothing combinations. It is one of my favorite parts of the day to see what she will put together. I love that she is also toting her flip cell phone - the toy ones just aren't good enough for her anymore. And for some reason, she calls this red shirt her "bike shirt". I think she might have worn it to ride her bike one day or something, but now she feels like she needs to wear it anytime there is bike riding involved.
April 27 - Avery likes to get into mischeif. Especially if that mischeif involves candy or sweets! She has a nose for it and can find goodies anywhere. This particular day, she was being very quiet and I discovered that she had pushed up a chair to the counter and was chowing down on the remains of Rylee's potty cake. She was loving it and she looked so funny covered in frosting.
When I found her, she immediately started trying to shove the cake in faster. She is such a sweet tooth!
Finger licking good!
Avery also discovered how to climb up the ladder and do the slide all by herself! It makes me a little nervous to watch, but she is fast at climbing the ladder and hasn't fallen yet.
She loves to stand at the top and say "HI" and wave. Then she goes down the slide on her belly, feet first. She loves being able to do it over and over!
The swing is always fun, too. Even if it is a little chilly outside still.
It was a very cold spring, so we haven't been outside as much as we would like to be. But, when we do get outside, the girls are nothing but smiles! They love it!
April 30 - I just love this picture of my little soccer star! More soccer games...still freezing cold!!!
And my cute little soccer fan! I love this baby!
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