Friday, July 15, 2011

Firehouse Field Trip

May 23 - For one last Joy School activity, we took the kids on a field trip to the local fire house. They had a great time!
These are the Joy School kids - Jake, Rylee and Arita. Andrew came a little late. The first thing they did was show the kids a movie about Fire Safety. The kids really liked it because it had Donald Duck. It was a pretty old movie though and a little weird. Hopefully, they learned a few things to do in case of a fire.
Since we went in the morning, the Kindergarten kids got to join us, too. Here is Logan and Eden ready for the movie. They loved the fire hats!
Avery was into the little fire hat, too!
After the movie, we headed out to where they keep their trucks and checked out all the cool stuff firefighters have. The kids were super excited for this part!

They passed around this coat to see how heavy it was!
Not sure what Logan was doing here but he was quite into all the equipment. He kept asking to see a REAL ax!
When they showed the oxygen packs they wear, Logan thought it looked like a jet pack and he HAD to try it on. Jake was the only one brave enough to try on all that gear! My cute little fire girl! Next, they showed them some real tools, including the ax that Logan was so excited to see! They even let the kids hold the tools, which caused some serious stress for us moms since they were all quite sharp and also caused many tears since they all fought over who got to go first. I was glad when this part was over!
Then, they turned the kids loose on the fire truck. I think it stressed the firefighters out a little to have that many little kids all over the place!
Rylee really liked to pretend she was driving!
I tried to keep Avery safe on the ground, but she of course, had to climb up there too! That was a little stressful because she would run to the other side of the truck where I couldn't reach her and then act like she was going to jump. At one point, Rylee grabbed her for me and I was pulling her out and then Avery grabbed Rylee's shirt and they both came tumbling down from the truck and I barely caught them! Yes...I guess I was glad when we were done with this part, too! Logan was all over the place! I didn't get many good pictures of him because he didn't stand still for very long. He was loving it!

Logan and his friend from Kindergarten, Emily
For one last activity, the kids got to spray this extinguisher at a cone. They thought this was pretty neat - It was their chance to be like a REAL firefighter!

Our little Joy School crew with the siblings! Kind of a big under 7 crowd! It was a fun day. Lizzie was missing from this picture from some reason and one other baby sister. Back Row: Logan, Eden, Ryan, Emily and Jake Front: Arita, Rylee, Avery and Andrew
My cute little firefighters!

I realized after this trip to the station, I had a lot to learn about fire safety and it was great for me to listen to as well. The kids had a great day and it was a fun end to our Joy School experience.

1 comment:

Karmann said...

I loved the firehouse trips when I taught pre-school!! SO fun!! It looks like they had a blast!!! Love you!!!