Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Another Soccer Season

Logan finished another year of soccer this last spring. He had a great time! He had the cutest little team of all kids from our ward and they had so much fun playing together. Logan has improved a lot and even scored a few goals this season. Yeah! He does have a hard time staying focused though with all his little friends out there. He is so funny to watch and gets REALLY into the game and sometimes he does more commentary than playing. It was a fun Spring watching him. If only the weather would have been SPRING! It felt much more like WINTER soccer! We froze for most of the season, but Logan had a lot of fun.
Logan's cute little team - The Eagles. Logan was SO mad about the name. He hated it! He wanted to be the Wild Things. He said the Eagles had nothing to do with soccer. Such a funny kid! (Top - Nora, James, Morgan and Gracie. Bottom - Andrea, Carter, Logan and Olivia)
The team with their hunky coach!!! Logan loves that his dad is his coach. It is one of his favorite things about playing.
One more team picture.
A couple of Logan's individual shots...
He is always smiling like this and closing his eyes...April 12 - Logan's very first soccer game of the season! Notice the sweats... It was COLD!!!
April 22 - Logan and Coach Dad getting ready for another game.
Logan gets REALLY into the games. Can you tell?
I think he might be talking a little trash here... He isn't always the best sport. He gets REALLY mad if the other team doesn't know the correct score or if they say they are winning.
Logan and his friend Nora ready for the kickoff. I think they might be playing the wrong sport.
April 30 - I just love this picture!
Logan fell and scraped his knee and he just couldn't stop looking at it the whole game and showing it to Dad. He was VERY concerned about it and wanted to show it to everyone.
Logan going for the ball
May 7 - Doing a little celebration after one of his goals. He was quite entertaining when he scored. I don't know if it was very sportsmanlike, but it was pretty funny.
Just being silly
The infamous knee slide to the corner! Logan has watched a LOT of pro soccer in his life. So, when he scored a goal, he would usually run to the corner post and then slide on his knees. It was hilarious! Unfortunately, my camera never seemed to be ready to capture it and this is the closest I ever got. I have some on video, but I couldn't get it to upload to blogger. You will just have to take my word for it - It was quite entertaining!
May 12 - Logan watching from the sidelines
So, I made the mistake of bribing Logan with money for goals he scored. He isn't always very aggressive, so I offered him some incentive. I told him I would pay him $3 a goal, and then $1 for every goal after that (per game) and $1 for an assist. He ended up making about $20 off this arrangement. When we were at the store, he spotted a Lego Star Wars set he REALLY wanted (a Mandalorian set) and after that he was OBSESSED with getting enough money to buy it. He stood in front of the goal with his hand raised most of the game yelling for everyone to pass it to him. So, it probably wasn't the BEST idea to bribe him... But he did end up scoring more than he ever has and he played harder most of the time, so it wasn't a total loss. And, he accomplished his goal to have enough money for his Lego set, so I think it taught him something. We'll have to be a little more careful next year...
May 14 - Taking a corner kick in his last gameAnother goal celebration
One last cheer
Flashing a #4 for the FOUR goals he scored in the last game! It was a record for him and he was so excited! I think more about earning the Lego set than the goals, but still he was pumped! It was so fun to watch him play so well.
One last Eagles cheer
After the last game, we had a little team ceremony where the kids got these cupcakes and a medal from the coach and some cute team pictures. The green frosting was a bit of a mistake! All the kids were covered in green when we were done. Rylee couldn't wait to dig into her cupcake! Logan showing off his medal. It is amazing how cool kids think medals are. Even if they come from the dollar store! Logan and his favorite coach - Dad!Logan and Mom

It was a COLD season, but so entertaining and so fun with so many of our friends on the team! It is so much more fun to watch on the sidelines with friends. Logan had a great time playing and we loved watching him and his friends play together and have fun. They are starting to learn more about passing and positions and it is getting more fun to watch. Logan is getting to be really good at dribbling and he can aim and shoot much better now. We love our little soccer player! Way to go Logan!

1 comment:

Ginny Wright said...

Cute cute cute post Brooke...took you long enough to put it up though ;)