Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mother's Day

May 8 - I am so blessed to be a Mother! Sometimes I forget how much I truly love what I do and sometimes I forget what a great blessing and responsibility it is, but I do love it and I feel so lucky to have such great kids! Mother's day was great this year. Logan was so excited to bring me breakfast in bed. He actually wanted to do it on Saturday, too, but Darren talked him into waiting until Sunday. They made me a delicious breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and couldn't wait to bring it to me!
Since it was Mother's Day, I got to pick Logan's church clothes, so I made him wear his suit. He hates wearing it, but he looks so handsome and I love it! I told him he looked like a Lady Killer and he did NOT appreciate that comment! He was a good sport and wore his suit anyway. Just to make me happy! See.... I told you I have great kids! He even took pictures which is NOT his favorite thing.
I tried to get a picture of all 3 of my sweet Mother's Day gifts. This is the best we did.
Here are a couple funny attempts...
Oh, my Rylee and her faces...
For about a week before and a week after Mother's Day, I got a new bouquet of dandelions almost every day. Logan would pick them and bring them home in a little bunch on his way home from school or Rylee would bring them in while they were playing. Such thoughtful kids! This was my real bouquet. Rylee picked it out herself! She LOVES going with daddy to pick out flowers. She insisted on these ones!
They each made me a card at school, too. These were my favorite gifts! This was Logan's card.
I love the eyelashes Logan draws on his pictures.
His note said, " Dear Mom, Thank you for letting me play Lego Star Wars. Just try it. You are the best. Love, Logan." He is always trying to get me to play Lego Star Wars with him on the Xbox, but I hate those kind of games. This cracked me up too. My favorite is that I weigh 20 lbs! Good job Logan! That is a great answer! He also brought me a sunflower and his teacher made a cute cook book of all the kids favorites for me.
This is Rylee's card she made at Joy School. I loved Rylee's answers! If you can't read it, it says: Happy is what I feel when my mother: Puts me to bed with a bedtime story. Her hands: Make cards for me. She's funny when she: makes me laugh with shadows. I love her because: She's the best. So cute!

We spent Mother's Day going to church and then going to my Mom's for dinner and to celebrate my little brother Brad's birthday. It wasn't anything super fabulous, but it was a great day and a chance for me to remember what a blessing it is to be a mom and what special little spirits I have been entrusted with. All too often I have bad mom days. I am trying to have less of them. I want to be a better mom to these sweet kids! I LOVE them so much! I am so grateful for all they teach me. And for a wonderful husband who helps so much. And for a wonderful Mom and Mother-in-Law who are great examples for me. I am a lucky girl. Yeah for Mom's Day!

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