Saturday, July 16, 2011


May 24 - WAY back when, I think even before Logan was born, Darren and I sat down and made a bucket list of things we would really like to do...someday...when we weren't on a dental student budget! For example, Darren wants to see the World Cup someday and I really wanted to see Oprah...(not going to happen :( ) and go back to Europe. On my list, I included a couple of concerts that I thought would be great to see. One was Michael Jackson (also not going to happen...) and the other was U2. I am not the biggest U2 fan, but some of my very favorite songs are theirs and I knew they would put on a great show! So, when we heard they were coming to Utah, I HAD to have tickets. We even paid extra to get them on the pre-sale because I didn't want them to sell out before I had a chance to buy them! We bought the tickets LAST Feb (2010) and the concert was supposed to be last June, but Bono injured his back and they had to reschedule the tour. I was SO bummed and worried they would reschedule on a day we couldn't go, but it all worked out. It seemed a little crazy to me that I had to wait for this concert longer than I am pregnant and wait to have a baby. If you count from the time we bought tickets, it was about 15 months!!! But, the concert FINALLY happened and it was SOOOO worth the wait! BEST...CONCERT....EVER!!!

Darren and I waiting for the concert to begin! The stage was AWESOME! It looked like a giant spider or something and the screen was unreal! They also had some crazy camera that took pictures of everyone in the audience and if you go to their webpage, you can tag yourself. It is crazy! Even though I am sitting so far away, you can totally see me checking my phone. The opening act was The Fray. They were really great and I enjoyed them more than I thought, but they were NOTHING compared to U2!

We were so glad our friends, the Lifferth's could go with us! We were able to meet up with them at PF Changs before the show, which just made the night even better. There are few things in life that can make me happier than lettuce wraps and walnut shrimp and good friends! We had a great time chatting and always have fun with them. We really miss them now that they live far away and we don't see each other as much as we used to. Robb asked us if we should go buy earplugs before the concert. We thought he must be an old man or something and teased him a little, but we probably should have listened to him! It was LOUD! Fortunately, Robb fashioned his own ear plugs out of napkins and he and Darren wore them for most of the concert, much to my and Carlie's dismay! We thought people around us would be making fun of us, but instead we noticed after awhile that many people were copying them. Haha!
This stage was incredible!
A night time viewThis was my favorite part of the stage - This screen all of sudden started separating and came all the way down to the stage. It was all stretched out, but you could still see the images on it. It was so amazing! And Bono... Holy Crap! How old is that guy and he sounded so great! He sang like crazy all night and I don't think his voice even cracked once. I was in awe! The highlight for me was "With or Without You" but the whole show was WAY better than even I expected! So glad that we went and if they ever come again, I will defiantly be there! And... I get to cross an item off my bucket list! Hooray!

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