Thursday, July 14, 2011

Backyard S'mores

May 17 - For Christmas, we got a little fire pit for the backyard. We have hopes of putting a big one in someday, but for now, this one will have to do. The kids have been really excited to use it, but we have had kind of a chilly spring. So, the first day it was warm, we broke it out and the kids were so excited!!! S'mores in the backyard is going to be a new fun tradition at our house!
It was pretty warm all day that day, but it got pretty chilly by the time the sun went down. We were working in the yard most of the day and Logan and Rylee went in at one point and came back out in their swimsuits because it was "so warm". It was probably only 70 degrees, but compared to the weather we had been having, it was a HEAT wave, so they felt like they should be running in the sprinklers and in their swim suits. I wouldn't turn on the sprinklers just yet, but Logan stayed in his suit for most of the day. By the time we started S'mores, they were begging for a jacket.
Avery was probably the most excited about everything! She was a little scary around the fire, though. It made me nervous!
I love how they all watch the fire and how much it captures their attention...
Avery thought it was so cool! I loved watching her take it all in.
Rylee ready to melt some marshmallows!Cooking up some treats! I love our backyard and the views! It is amazing!
MMMM....Marshmallow sticky goodness!

I want to kiss this sticky face!!!
The S'mores were a HUGE success! We have planned to do it several times since, but it seems like the weather never cooperates! We have a whole cupboard full of S'mores supplies, so we need to do it again soon. Anyone want to join us?

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