Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A 2 Year Old's Perspective

On Sunday, I was doing Rylee's hair to get her ready for church and I was prepping her for going to nursery. This is an every Sunday occurrence as Rylee, for some reason, still struggles a little bit with nursery, especially now that we have switched to a new ward. She is doing better, but it seems to be a fight most weeks. Once she gets in there, she is usually fine, but the first separation tends to be a little dramatic, especially when other kids are crying and going crazy! We were talking about all the fun things in nursery: coloring, snacks, the bubble machine, playing with noodles.... I was really trying to build it up for her, as I do every week so that she will go without a fuss.
Then Rylee piped in and said, "First, I go to 'SNACK'rament, then I go to Nursery." I couldn't stop laughing! I guess that is how a 2 year old sees it!


Clark Family said...

What a cutie

Julie and Matt said...

I love it! so cute.

Wehrle said...

ha! I love it! She is so funny!

Mical said...

If that isn't the truth!! What a funny girl.