Saturday, August 1, 2009

Jackson and Old Faithful

On Friday morning, we checked out of our hotel and headed to downtown Jackson. Logan was pretty sad to leave the Painted Buffalo Hotel! He really loved that place for some reason. A quick side note about Logan - He introduced himself to EVERYONE on this trip and proceeded to tell them that he was moving to Yellowstone for 3 days! It was a little funny! He is quite the social butterfly!
No trip to Jackson would be complete without a trip to The Bunnery, so we went there for breakfast....YUMMM!!! That place is so delicious! It was really crowded, but worth the wait!Logan and Rylee had their favorite breakfast - chocolate chip pancakes!

We had a great breakfast!!! We ended breakfast with a delicious sticky bun!
After breakfast, we were off to explore the shops in downtown Jackson. Rylee found this pine cone "treasure" and had to carry it around while we shopped!Little window shoppers - We had a great time browsing around. One of our favorite places to visit was the Mangelson photography gallery. He takes the coolest nature photos! We also went to the little park and lots of souvenir shops. You can't leave Jackson without a picture with the antlers! - Logan thought this archway was so cool - He called it the "rainbow of horns" - I thought it was a cute description!
Logan trying on Cowboy hats in one of the shops - He wanted a hat pretty bad, but we talked him into something else.

Rylee had to try one on, too. Hers was PINK, of course!

One of the shops was filled with taxidermy. This was Logan's favorite - The wild boar!

Rylee liked the buffalo - I couldn't believe she wanted to touch it!
Here are the kids with the souvenirs they chose. Logan got this elastic gun and Rylee picked a little bracelet. (Side note: both items are now broken :( ) In one of the stores we were in, there was music playing and the song was "That's Not My Name". (I don't know if that is what it is called, but that is the part Logan likes the best!) He sang it over and over and it was cracking us up! He sang it for most of the trip, making up most of his own lyrics! It was a little break from High School Musical once in awhile. Then we were on our way to Yellowstone! We drove through Teton National Park and had to stop and take advantage of this great view of the Tetons! So amazing! It was beautiful!

Logan trying out Daddy's binoculars.
Daddy and Logan looking for some wildlife
Me and Darren with the Tetons in the background. Rylee was sleeping in the car during this stop
Our next stop was Jackson Lake. The kids loved checking out the water and throwing rocks in the lake!
The kids at Jackson Lake
Me and Rylee - This place was so beautiful! Rylee did step in dog poop there and left our car really stinky until we figured out the problem and got them cleaned up!

We didn't see a lot of wildlife, but we did see a couple of buffalo and 2 Spike Elk in Teton National Park. Soon, we were in Yellowstone, which had the kids pretty excited! Logan only called it "Yellowstone National Park". Never just Yellowstone. We were pretty surprised to see SNOW once we got there too!

Our first stop in Yellowstone was this little waterfall called Lewis Falls. Rylee couldn't wait to get out of the car and throw a snowball! She loves that! We drove a little further and then stopped at for a potty break and lunch at Grant Village. We didn't find anything too exciting to eat so we decided to try some of the stuff we packed. I gave the kids a Lunchable, and they LOVED it! They thought it was the greatest thing ever and it was so funny to see them build their little sandwiches. The weather wasn't the greatest and it was raining off and on, and we didn't see much wildlife. We did cross the Continental Divide 3 times, and once we got close to Old Faithful, we saw a Mommy buffalo and her baby cross the road.
When we got to Old Faithful, it was pouring rain! We found out that it was supposed to rupture in about 20 minutes, so we debated if we should get out or try again the next day. We finally decided that we weren't sure where we would end up the next day, so we should go while we were there. Luckily, we remembered our rain coats because we really needed them on this trip! Logan wasn't phased at all by the rain - He was SO excited to see Old Faithful. Rylee wasn't too happy at first... She hates rain in her eyes... but she did fine once we got going and was excited, too.
Ready for Old Faithful in the rain!
Can you tell he is excited???? This was the highlight of his trip! He loves to tell people about how he saw "The World's Largest Geyser!" It really isn't the largest, but that is what Logan has named it!

Watching the eruption
Rylee looking pretty amazed at Old Faithful. I love this face!Logan with Old Faithful in the background - It was really hard to get him to turn around for even a second to snap a picture because he was so into watching it

After watching the eruption, we headed for the Visitors Center since it was dry there! They were just getting ready to show a movie about geysers, so we went to watch it. Rylee only made it for a minute or two before Darren had to take her out because she was so loud, but Logan LOVED it! I thought it was a little boring, but Logan was SO into it and frequently tells people it was one of his favorite things about our trip. I don't know how many 4 year olds like that kind of stuff! What a funny kid! He also read a sign in the Visitors Center - He said "O-F-F. That spells Off Mom" and in the car, he read the word Froggy in one of his books!

When we came out of the Visitors Center, the rain had stopped, so we decided to take awhile and explore Old Faithful and some of the other hot pots and geysers.
Cute Kids at Old Faithful
Logan and Rylee were LOVING running around and being silly after being stuck in the car all day! Rylee insisted on holding hands and they were so funny. Rylee also had a bit of the obsession with the buffalo poop all around the place. There weren't any buffalo around, which was weird to me, but lots of poop and she had to point ALL of it out to us! She also said, "Mom, I have a question. Can we go see the geysers please?" It was too cute! Then she kept saying, "I have LOTS of questions" and saying all sorts of funny and random things. You have to love kids and all the funny things they say!
Logan at one of the hot pots. He thought all this stuff was so cool and it was his favorite thing to look at in Yellowstone. He and Rylee both thought it was hilarious that the geysers smelled funny and loved to say that the geysers tooted or smelled like toots, or say "Dad, did you toot?" and blame the sulfur small on him!

We didn't get to see much wildlife while we were driving and we were kind of disappointed! We finally spotted an elk across the river and Darren was really excited to show Logan. I thought they looked so cute watching the elk. We also saw a few buffalo here and there, but nothing like you usually see.
We made a couple other little stops including Firehole Lake, but our favorite was Firehole Falls! It was so pretty!

We saw a lot of people pulled over at one point and stopped and saw a coyote a little ways from the road. We got out and watched him for awhile and it was really cool to see. Logan and Rylee really liked trying to use their binoculars, but I don't know if they ever actually saw the coyote!
After the coyote, we saw an eagle's nest, a couple more elk and a huge herd of buffalo - Finally! Logan said "There are hundreds and hundreds of them! I can't believe my eyes!" Then, we finally made it to West Yellowstone! It was only about a hundred miles from Jackson to West Yellowstone, but it took us most of the day with all the stops we made and we were all pretty tired and excited to see our hotel. Especally Logan and Rylee! Their favorite thing to do whenever we arrive at a hotel is jump on the beds!!!
This is one of my favorite memories from the whole trip! When we got to the hotel, we were all really tired and when we took Logan's shoes off, his feet were all wrinkly. I think he splashed in a few too many puddles at Old Faithful and got his feet wet. He described his condition as "Capri Detect"! I have NO idea where that came from or what it means, but it had us laughing for most of the trip!!!
We grabbed a quick (and somewhat greasy) dinner that night at Buckaroo Bill's. It was yummy after a long day and they also had great ice cream! The people who own it are members of the church and Logan was really excited to see missionaries there! Then we headed back to go to bed! We were all exhausted from our fun day!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

CUTE, CUTE pictures!!