Monday, August 24, 2009

June Recap

It is pretty sad, but I am actually pretty excited because I am posting my last June post before the end of August! I am really so far behind but have had a lot of busy and exciting things going on this summer! In June, we went to Yellowstone and celebrated both Father's Day and Logan's 4th birthday. Besides all of that, we did a few other fun activities and had lots of fun just doing the everyday. Here are some random photos of June happenings!

Here is a day spent playing in the dress up box! My kids always love that!
Rylee usually really likes the Princess dress ups, but on this day, she wanted to be Buzz Lightyear! She looked adorable all suited up - To INFINITY and BEYOND!!
One of Rylee's many silly faces! Our pretty little Buzz!
The best part about the Buzz costumes is that we have 2 of them, so Logan could be Buzz, too and they had a great time being Buzz Lightyear together! They were both "Flying" off the bean bag and having so much fun!
Little Buzz found a funny hat in the dress-up box, too and is taking care of her baby doll. I guess she is a mommy Buzz.
The Big Buzz - Too cute!!! I never get Logan to pose like this - or even hold still for pictures anymore! A pouty little Buzz - Rylee has SO many facial expressions! She might be a bit of a drama queen, do you think?
Here is another day where Logan took a very rare nap and woke up with his hair like this! He thought it was so funny that he had a "Mohawk". Gotta love the nap time hairdos!
I love kids' funny eating habits. Rylee ate her sandwich like this one day and I just had to laugh. That was seriously all she ate of it, too. Just the top middle! If you can't see, she just ate the top piece of bread and only the very center of that - I don't even know how she dug it out like that.
We had some friends over for dinner last night who have 2 little boys and all 4 kids had a great time out in the backyard in our large mound of dirt! This is what the end result was - Some really dirty kids!!! I guess this is what happens when you have NO grass - I wish we could get that done but for now, they seem to think the dirt is pretty fun!
Once again, this girl has A LOT of facial expressions! Look at that dirty mug! Rylee was the only girl out there but I am pretty sure that she was the dirtiest by far!
Logan showing off his dirt
Logan and his buddies Austin and Hayden - I'm pretty sure the other kids were not even dirty - just mine! How does that happen?
So much fun to be dirty! Good thing they are cute - even when they are covered in dirt!
Also in June, we attended the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house with almost all of Darren's family - I think we were only missing 4 people. It was a great experience to take our kids to the temple again, even though we had just been to the Draper Temple a couple months before. I know they could feel a special spirit there and loved the chance to be INSIDE the temple, since that is something they can't usually do. Logan was really excited to see the baptismal font again and Rylee once again loved the mirrors in the celestial room and the whole time we were in there, she kept talking about seeing herself "ever and ever".
Logan wanted his picture taken with this picture of Jesus.
Rylee enjoying a cookie after walking through the temple

The Webber Clan minus just a few. Kevin and April and Haley weren't there and Matt and Mandy are without little Liam. Cory also has his girlfriend Katie with him. Quite the crowd! Afterwards, we went to lunch at Chick-Fil-A! We always have a good time together!

Our family just outside the temple - The wind was crazy and right after we took these, the rain started coming down like crazy! We got soaked just running to our car!
Logan and Rylee about to be blown away
Rylee is really into tea parties and picnics at the moment and is constantly setting them up all over the house! The other day I got out of the shower to find bowls and plates set up all over the bathroom for another one of her tea parties! She totes baskets of dishes and food all around and then sets everything up just right. She will stay occupied for quite awhile!
This is how I found Rylee sleeping one night when we went to check on her. It was one of the many nights that we had traveled home late from Grandma's - She must have been really tired! How do you sleep like that?
We spent an evening at Summerfest and had lots of fun getting yummy treats and looking at lots of cool art. It is one of our favorite little family things to do in the summer.
Rylee showing off her coconut purse that Aunt Vanessa brought from Hawaii. She insisted on bringing a purse with her!
The kids picked cotton candy for their treat and LOVED it! They were a sticky mess but they seemed to really enjoy it!
Logan loves his cotton candy!
Cute Rylee - She wouldn't try the cotton candy for awhile. She was mad that we didn't get PINK cotton candy, so she wanted nothing to do with it until it was almost gone.

More of Logan and his cotton candy face!
Rylee once she decided to give it a try - covered in blue stickiness!
Finger licking good!
Logan and his cotton candy beard
I decided to get out Rylee's little potty one day just to see if she was interested and within a few minutes, she went potty! Way to go Rylee! Unfortunately, her interest isn't very consistent and with the new baby coming, I haven't felt like it was great timing, but she does go about once a day or so if we are home. Hopefully, we can be all the way potty trained pretty soon! We spent an afternoon up at First Dam feeding the ducks! The kids LOVED it! I think the ducks have been fed a little too much up there though because they weren't too interested in our bread! It probably didn't help that Rylee threw the WHOLE roll in a few times instead of breaking it up.
Logan and Rylee looking at the ducks
Logan and Rylee
Brother and sister Hug!
After Logan's birthday, we had lots of fun new toys to try around our house. Here they are building a pretty serious marble works tower.
Logan vacuumed up lots of bugs in his new bug vacuum. Our dirt yard is a great place to catch bugs! Rylee enjoyed kicking back in her little camp chair while Logan and Daddy tried out their new batter batter baseball. She LOVES to get her chair out and chill!
Logan watching how far the ball goes after a hit - He has had a lot of fun with the Better Batter Baseball and has become quite the little slugger!
Look at that swing!
Another day with the marble tower - They wanted to build one taller than Logan and they succeeded! Logan could barely reach the top!
So much concentration! New toys are so great to occupy the kids - at least for a week or so!
Logan also got a new train and some more tracks for his GeoTrax so one day we set up this HUGE track while Darren was at work! We were both pretty proud of ourselves and had a great time with it!
When I went to get the camera, I came back and both kids were playing so good. I love it when that happens!
Rylee with another one of her "picnics" in this little bucket! Who doesn't want syrup and ketchup for their picnic, right?
Logan and Rylee having a picnic in their little cardboard box playhouse. Not the best picture, but I think Logan is a great sport to go along with all of Rylee's little tea parties and picnics and is a great brother! She can be quite bossy and kind of demands that he participate, but he is very kind to her....most of the time. I need these reminders for the days when all they do is fight!
Rylee LOVES my purse!!! She is constantly digging in it for my wallet, checkbook, spreading around my "predit cards" and scavenging for fruit snacks or other treats. On this day, she got a hold of my lip gloss! I guess at least she knows what to do with it - It only got on her face and was kind of close to her mouth. Isn't she beautiful? She sure thinks so!
Rylee at the end of her timeout after her lip gloss incident. I think that she thought this timeout was totally worth it because she got to indulge in make-up! She LOVES to pretend she is doing her makeup while I do mine and knows what to do with most of it - The other day I finished one of my compacts and cleaned it out really well and let her have her own. She LOVES it and is always carrying it in her purse and applying it. How did I get SUCH a girly girl???

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Sounds like a fun-filled June!! The everyday stuff is so fun!!