Monday, August 10, 2009

One Great Daddy!

I know Father's Day is long over, but since I am in catch-up mode, I figured I should include our Father's Day activities! I really wanted the kids to be involved in the presents for Darren this year so we made a trip to Michael's and they picked out some picture frames and the paint they wanted to make a craft and some cute little aprons. I am not a great craft or project mom - I tend to get a little stressed! I always see such cute things other moms do and feel bad that I am not better at that, but it is not something I do really well! Especially when it involves paint in my new house, but things went pretty smoothly, although Rylee did try and open the paint by herself while we were getting things ready and ALMOST had it everywhere! Luckily, we survived with only a few small mishaps! They had a great time making their projects, so I was happy we tried it!
Rylee working with her PINK paint - I tried to convince her that Daddy might like some other color, but she only does PINK these days!Isn't she doing a lovely job?
Logan wanted 2 shades of "Aggie blue" paint so that is what he ended up with. I tried to show him how to paint the two colors separately so they would be different, but he just mixed them around. He seemed to have a great time and it made an interesting new color!

Concentrating hard!
Showing off their little messes! I was going to put pictures of the kids in the frames, but decided instead to do their handprints in paint. It was a little stressful to make sure the paint didn't get everywhere but they turned out cute and the kids thought it was great fun to have paint all over their hands!All finished! I wanted to get a picture of the finished projects, but the paint was still really wet since the kids put on layer after layer of paint!
The kids were SO excited and proud to give their presents to Daddy! I think that made it more fun that they made them themselves! They loved it! Our church is at 8:30, but I managed to get up early enough on Father's Day to make Darren a breakfast, although it wasn't as gourmet as one of his creations. Logan picked out breakfast sandwiches at the store, and I figured that would work best since we would be in a hurry for church. I also cut up some fruit and we had a yummy breakfast! After church, we opened presents and Darren watched a soccer game (also part of his father's day present!). Then we headed to my parent's house for dinner.
Logan and Daddy! He loved the "Aggie Blue" frame!
Rylee and her pretty pink frame!

Aren't they cute? I bought a TON of meat and steak awhile ago from one of those door to door sales people (I know...can you say SUCKER???) and told Darren it was part of his Father's Day since I got it for him to try out on the grill. He has loved it all summer so it turned out to be a not so bad purchase! I also got him a couple of grilling cookbooks that he really liked and a picture I had done of the kids. Logan picked out a card that sang "Hey Now, You're An All Star" since that is "the song from Shrek". The whole time we were at the store picking the card, Logan was pushing the button OVER and OVER and I was suprised the card actually made it to Father's Day! He thought the singing cards at the store were the best thing ever!!!

Darren is a great daddy! My kids adore him and I am so blessed to have a husband who is so involved with them and loves to play with them and spend time with them and helps with so many things like baths and bedtimes and diapers! He is also so wonderful at cleaning up and helping around the house and I love that he makes time for us to do special things together and that spending time with us is a big priority for him. It is something the kids will always remember - that their daddy always spent time with them! We are so lucky and love our Daddy!

We had a yummy dinner at my parent's house and after dinner, my mom went to throw away something in the garage and heard the Beach Boys playing. She was trying to figure out why my dad was hanging out in his car listening to the Beach Boys and realized that Rylee was out there ,too. She ALWAYS wants to drive my dad's car and had got Grandpa to take her out there and they were out there having a great time jamming to the Beach Boys and "driving to Disneyland"! What a fun Grandpa!!!
Rylee asked Grandpa to "see herself" so he pulled down the mirror for her. My dad is a total sucker when it comes to Rylee and does EVERYTHING she says! It is a little dangerous because she is totally spoiled! But I guess that is what Grandpa's do! I love that she has so much fun with him and loves her grandpa so much!!! My dad has always been a great dad and now a great grandpa and is also such a wonderful example! I am so blessed to have him and Darren's dad as my Dads! I have always had great men in my life and am grateful to have them and for all they do for me and our family!


Melissa said...

You are such a cute mom!!

Clark Family said...

What are you talking about, "you're not a project mom"?? You are ALWAYS doing projects with those kiddies!!