Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cars Birthday Bash!

Logan wanted to have a Cars party with a few of his little friends, so we did that on Tuesday June 30th, a few days after his birthday. It was a little crazy and not so organized but he had lots of fun! I have more pics my sister took on her nice camera, but I can't get them off right now, so I may have to add some later. Here is the set-up before the guests arrive.
The birthday boy ready for the party to start!
He was REALLY excited for his party! My sister took pics of all the guests, but I guess I will have to add them later because I don't have them right now. His guests were Hayden and Austin, Dallin and Spencer, Olivia, Sky and of course, Rylee. Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brad were also staying at our house that week, so they were there to help out, too.
Look at my sassy Rylee! She can't pass up a chance for a photo!
With such little kids, I didn't plan too many activities. We did some painting a few kids at a time and while other kids painted, we tried Cars Bingo with the other kids. It wasn't a real big hit.... The kids ended up having much more fun watching the Cars movie and playing with all of Logan's cars!
For our little art project, I had the kids use cars to paint on black paper. We used black and yellow paint, so it was supposed to look like a road. The kids drove the cars through the paint and then around on the paper to make designs and stuff. It was a fun and quick activity with not too much mess!
Rylee doing some cars painting
Logan decided he liked using his hands better!
Olivia enjoyed the painting the most and did lots of it!
Logan really wanted a Lightning McQueen pinata for his birthday. I had seen them a few places, but when I went to get one that morning, there were none anywhere! Me and my sister went to several stores but found nothing! I finally tried the La Familia market (the local Hispanc store) and they had one but it was pink and purple. So I tried a couple more stores, but ended up back at La Familia. The girl was really nice and let me switch the picture onto another color pinata so that it wasn't pink and purple! It was quite a stresser! I guess I should plan a little more in advance! Here is Rylee taking a crack at the pinata. Not doing much damage...
All the kids waiting their turn to take a crack at it!
We discovered the the pinata had a small problem - it was virtually indestructible! Especially when you are dealing with 2 to 5 year olds! Logan took several turns (and so did most of the other kids) and we barely made a dent.
He was pretty serious about breaking that thing, but it wasn't going to crack!
We finally had to just tear the thing open and dump it out. Then it was a free for all! Since the kids were such different ages, I made the kids put all the candy in one bucket and then split it evenly in the treat bags. Not as fun, but at least we had no crying and everyone was happy!
Most of the party guests after opening presents. Spencer, Dallin, Logan, Hayden and Olivia. Logan got some great stuff! Sidewalk chalk, Spongebob bubbles, Silly String, a Cars Puzzle, Walkie Talkies and some Transformers!
One more....This time Rylee is there, sort of!
Ready for some cake and ice cream!
Blowing out the candle! After the cake and ice cream, all the guests left. Logan was pretty sad his party was over - He had such a fun time with his friends!
Once the party was over, Logan had a special UPS delivery. He was SO excited! It was the Troy Bolton (from High School Musical if you didn't know....) uniform that Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Jeff and Uncle Brad had bought for him! Can you tell that he is a little happy about it from this picture??? That face is a little scary!
Our Troy Bolton - Logan loves to sing the song "16" and do his "basketball warmups" while he is singing it. He is quite the performer and remembers all the words from the songs! I guess at least it is basketball related!
He woke up the next morning and sat straight up and said, "What day is it Mom?" I said "Wednesday" and he said "Are we going anywhere today?" and I said that I didn't think we had any plans. He said "YES! I can wear my Troy Bolton uniform ALL day!" And he did....Here he is at naptime. I told him the Wildcat outfit is not to leave the house! He doesn't take naps too often but I think all the partying and being Troy really tired him out!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

SO CUTE! I love the pictures of Logan behind Lightening McQueen and Rylee in front of Lightening McQueen, and the one of Logan holding the magazine!