Monday, August 10, 2009

32 Weeks...

Another baby appointment, another baby update! All is going well with Baby #3 (still yet to be named...) We went to the Dr. appointment this last Friday and he said everything is just as it should be. I have now gained 17 pounds and it feels like it is going to be a lot more than that at the next appointment! We discussed possible dates for my C-Section, which I hate doing because I think it is just weird to pick the birth date of your baby! He is still watching some things very closely and may be moving up the date as things get closer so we will see.
Logan and Rylee came with me to this appointment and they were VERY excited! I usually schedule my appointments for when Darren is home to watch them but it didn't work out this time. They hadn't been to the Dr with me since my ultrasound, so I think they were hoping for another one of those and to "see" the baby, but they had to settle for just hearing the heartbeat and they thought was pretty neat, too. Logan also saw another tiny newborn in the waiting room and wanted to know if that was what our baby would look like and when ours could "come out"! They are VERY excited for the arrival of their new sister!
I finally also got Logan to sit still long enough to feel the baby move, and he thought that was pretty neat. He couldn't stop laughing for awhile. He is so sweet and loves to give the baby hugs and talk to her in the cutest little voice and has started telling me when she is hungry or tired. I'm sure he will be a big helper when the baby comes! Rylee likes to feel my belly and talk to the baby, too but I don't think she has felt the baby really move yet. She is obsessed with the nursery and all the baby clothes and I keep finding things in every room of the house that she has taken from the baby's room. She also really likes to shop for the baby and tells me all the time "Ohhh...Its so tiny!" or "Ohhh...its so cute!" Such a funny girly girl!
The baby is VERY active now and at times, I feel like she is trying to push her way out of my stomach! She has very abrupt and sharp movements, which can sometimes be quite painful! I have started having weird dreams that different parts of the baby's body all of a sudden protrude through my skin. A few weeks ago, my dream was that her full leg and foot stuck straight out of my tummy, and then her whole body. It was like she was standing up out of my stomach, but still in my skin. SO weird! Last night, it was that her little hand was sticking out and we were all taking turns holding it and taking lots of pictures of her little hand through my skin! Crazy pregnant dreams!
Also, my nesting instinct has kicked in and I have spent the last 2 weeks organizing and reorganizing many rooms of the house. Our house has been a project that just hasn't been finished after moving in, so it is now getting closer as I am trying to get as much done before the baby as possible. I finally hung a few things up and have the kids' bedrooms looking great and a lot of the house very clean! Now I am going to start on the spare bedroom and the babies room!
Only 7 weeks to go....


3+Love~aki=Us said...

i'm so glad things are going so well still!! Yay! Can you believe it's only 7 weeks away?? WOW!

Clark Family said...

Ever since you told me about your dream of the baby's body sticking out of your tummy, I've had those dreams too! CRAZY! Can't wait to snuggle her!