Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Birthday Boy!

On June 27, my baby boy turned 4! It was awhile ago, but I am still having to come to terms with it - Especially since he is starting pre-school next week! We spent the whole weekend celebrating and had a ton of fun! Here are some pictures of the celebrating.... a LOT of pictures!
Logan's birthday was on a Saturday so that is when we did his party with the family. The night before, we left him choose a fun activity for the family and he picked bowling!!! We were about the only people there so it was great.
Rylee fell asleep on the way to the bowling alley and slept through almost the entire time! (Who can sleep at a bowling alley???) It was kind of nice because then we got a "birthday date" with just mom, dad and Logan. She woke up in time to bowl a few frames, so she didn't even know she missed anything!
The pro bowler!
Thumbs up from Logan!Look at that form! Logan is a pretty serious bowler! He led most of the first game until the last few frames and then I started doing a little better. I can't remember who ended up winning but it was really close between the three of us! Thank goodness for those bumpers.
Logan and Daddy! They had a great time and even bowled a second game - It went much faster without Rylee! Mommy and Logan - The bowling was a little much for my pregnant self so I just bowled the first game. I didn't want to deliver a baby at the bowling alley!
After bowling, Logan got to choose ANYTHING he wanted for dinner! He chose Firehouse Pizza because he LOVES pizza and he really likes their strawberry milk. Vanessa had taken him to pizza for lunch, but he still insisted that THIS is what he wanted.
They brought Logan his own Fh'zzookie for his birthday - He gave it a thumbs up!
Here are Logan and Rylee Saturday morning waiting for Logan's birthday breakfast! Logan was SO excited when he woke up. He said "Its the BIG day!" They look pretty tired...
Daddy made Logan pancakes for breakfast - his favorite!
Then we let Logan tear into his gifts! He was really excited - I didn't even make him get dressed! He is still chilling in his PJs. He was pretty excited to get started! He looks pretty excited about this present....
Checking out his bug vacuum from Rylee
Thanks Rylee! She was happy to help open presents!
Showing Dad his OWN Book of Mormon with his name on it - He thought that was pretty neat!
He was REALLY excited about the Transformer that Dad got for him - Bumblebee! His favorite!!! I think Dad really got it for himself though...
His BIG gift - Better Batter Baseball, or Batter, Batter Baseball as Logan calls it. It was the ONLY thing he asked for. We had a few other gifts in mind, but he was positive this is what he wanted and could even recite the commercial for me!
Logan and his gifts - some clothes and PJs, a couple books, Book of Mormon, a Leap Frog movie, a car, Rescuers Down Under DVD, bug vacuum, Transformers, Marble Works (he LOVES that!), a Transformer and Better Batter Baseball! Pretty good birthday loot!
That is one happy birthday boy! He told me he got EVERYTHING he ever wanted! He is such a sweet little boy!
Logan and Darren busting out the new Transformer. Like I said, I think Darren was more excited about this gift than Logan!
Assembling the MarbleWorks toy. They had a great time with this toy, too! It is a new favorite at our house.

Logan also sucked up some bugs in his new vacuum and thought that was pretty cool. So many new toys to try out!
Logan wanted a Lightning McQueen party so I made him this cake. It was easier than most of the cakes that I have done because it wasn't as big. The only hard thing was trying to get the frosting red! I had to send Darren to the store for more dye because it was really pink. But it ended up OK...even if I was still working on it 20 minutes before the party!

Logan and his cake - He LOVED it!
Logan and McQueen at his party! We have SO much family that we didn't have much room in our house since we don't have a yard yet, so we had the party at the park down the street. It was perfect! We had tons of room for everyone, lots of stuff for the kids to do and no mess to clean up afterwards!
Logan with Dad and Mom and McQueen

We let Logan pick what we ate at his party and he picked Pizza....again!
Some of our party guests...
Yummm....Pizza in one hand and breadstick in the other! Logan is set!
Rylee wanted to pose with Lightning McQueen too!
Logan with Uncle Jay, Lola and Aunt Heather. They were in the middle of moving so they had to leave the party early. They gave Logan some sports frames for his bedroom and a soccer piggy bank.
The kids had a great time on the playground after lunch and Darren and his brothers and my brothers had fun playing soccer.
The kids found this water at the park and we couldn't keep them out of it. They ran up and down the little stream over and over and ended up soaked! Logan totally ruined his new birthday shirt, but he had a great time.

Here is Rylee with her cousin Raegan. They play so cute together and had so much fun during the party! They just moved to North Carolina and Rylee asks to fly on a "pink airplane" to see her almost everyday!

Cute cousins

Logan finally got all the boys to leave their soccer game so we could have cake and ice cream and open some presents!
Logan is READY for some presents!!!

Hugs for Cousin Cambree! He loved the cars and bucket they gave him to play with in all of our dirt!!! My grandma gave Logan some light up shoes and the first thing he did when he opened them was throw them on the ground to see if the lights worked. So funny!

My cute little brother Kyle gave Logan one of his light sabers that Logan loves to play with when we visit. It was really sweet of him! Some sweet Magformers from Grandma and Grandpa Boman. Me and Darren even have fun with this toy!

Here is a list of the party guests and all of Logan's presents! He was so spoiled!

Grandma and Grandpa Webber (GeoTrax set), Uncle Kevin and Aunt April and Haley (a cool green soccer ball), Uncle Matt, Aunt Mandy, Cambree, Chloee and Liam (some cars and a bucket for the dirt), Uncle Curt, Aunt Carla and Raegan (a Cars game), Great Grandma Mary (some clothes, a bubble gun and $5!), Great Grandma Pauline (some light up tennis shoes), Grandma and Grandpa Boman (some clothes, Magformers, and gardening stuff), Uncle Jay and Aunt Heather (sports frame and piggy bank), Uncle Jeff, Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brad (Troy Bolton uniform from High School Musical) and Uncle Kyle (light saber). Uncle Dean had to work but gave Logan the game Kerplunk! which Logan loves and Aunt Kim and family gave Logan a Cars fishing game that he really liked! We loved having so much family around to celebrate with! Thanks for all your support and the fun presents! Logan is so lucky to have you all!
Ready to cut the cake!
Lighting the candles and ready to sing Happy Birthday! Because the cake I made was so small, we had another Cars cake from Sam's Club that we cut into.

Blowing out his candle. He is a pro at this now!
Rylee enjoying her creamie and cake!

The birthday boy eating his cake and creamie! Kind of messy.... I love his chocolate mustache!
Rylee hanging out with Grandpa Boman! She has him wrapped around her finger!

Cute cousins playing - Chloee, Liam and Rylee

Liam and Rylee - almost look like they could be kissing cousins! We will have to be careful about that!
Afterwards, most of the group came over to see our house since they hadn't yet. Curt and Carla and Raegan stayed for dinner and we had a good time with them. The kids love to have their cousins around! They had fun trying out Better Batter Baseball on our back porch.


Clark Family said...

Logan is growing up way too fast!! I love the tumbs up picture at the bowling alley!!

Jami said...

Happy Birthday Logan!! I love the cake and all of those presents. It looks like a fun party!

Karmann said...

You seriously always know how to throw a big wonderful birthday party! Sad that we have missed two birthdays now!!! I hate that! Love the cake this year! You always do such a great job! Hope to talk this weekend. Been battling sickness my family and then strep! Hoping I am done for a while! Love you!