Thursday, August 6, 2009

Snow and Bears

On Sunday morning, we woke up to LOTS of snow!!! We had seen little patches here and there in the park, but this was several inches on the ground at our hotel. It was pretty crazy to see snow in June! I didn't really bring warm church clothes for the kids so we kind of had to improvise! We went to Sacrament Meeting in West Yellowstone and then started the drive home. The kids had to throw a few snowballs and taste some snow before we left!
We saw a big herd of Pronghorn or something like that just outside of Island Park, but other than that, our drive was pretty uneventful. We stopped at the Wendy's in Rexburg for lunch and then drove up to see the temple. The kids at the Rexburg Temple

Since we didn't get to see ANY bears in Yellowstone, we decided to stop at BearWorld on the way home. It was AWESOME! A little ghetto, but so cool to see the animals up so close! If you have never been there, it is a bunch of animal enclosures that you drive through in your car. They tell you to make sure not to stop and keep your windows rolled up so the animals don't attack your car. They had lots of animals - deer, elk, turkey, buffalo, moose and a couple of wolf. But most exciting were the bears!!! The kids (and I) LOVED it!!! I think they had about 30 black bear and 5 grizzlies, some right up close to our car. So fun!
This picture is of the Elk - That white one is an albino and I guess they are really rare.
Rylee trying to get a good view out her window. We finally let the kids out of their carseats so they could see better. Rylee was really excited about the bears. Sometime while we were driving through she said, " I get bear and SQUISH him like a bug!!!" She is so funny! Logan was pretty excited...and a little see a bear!
A bear right outside our window - The pictures aren't great because they are through our dirty windows, but you can't roll down your windows or you would be bear food!

After our first drive through of the animals, we went to check out some of the other exhibits and gift shop. They had lots of fun things to do there. All these cute little baby bear are in one enclosure. There was a sign that said the father bears are a danger to their cubs so they have to be separated or something like that. They were SO cute!!!
Rylee and Daddy watching the tiny baby bears. You could bottle feed these bears, but it was an extra $50 a person and I couldn't bring myself to pay the money for that!

My little Miss Attitude! She walks around with her hands on her hips all the time. I think it is so funny, although it makes me a little nervous for the future!
Logan and Rylee as cute little bears
They also had a petting zoo at BearWorld, which my kids always love. This little white goat was the cutest and my kids followed it around most of the time we were there. I think the poor thing was tired of Rylee, but she wouldn't leave it alone!
Daddy helping Logan and Rylee feed a deer
Logan posing with a deer - So cute!
This moose was right by the fence for the petting zoo - a little scary! We kept our distance!!!
Logan and Dad feeding a goat. I think the animals were pretty well fed because none of them wanted the food!

Darren made Logan pet this HUGE, nasty Pig! Logan was pretty nervous and the pig was a little ornery!
Back to our favorite little white goat - This is just to prove that I was there, too!
Logan and the little white goat again.
This poor goat kept running away from Rylee but she just followed him everywhere!
Logan and Rylee taking a break
BearWorld also had lots of carnival rides. I hate those kinds of things, but it was included in our admission and the kids really wanted to try them. The first one was this Hopper thing that went up and down. Logan was so excited to ride it! Then the ride started, and he got this terrified look on his face!

He had a death grip on the bar for most of the ride and wouldn't look at us or anything - He was so worried! He kept telling the operator to slow down or put him down. Me and Darren were cracking up!
Feeling better to be on the ground!
Next, were these little jeeps. Rylee was big enough for this one and pretty excited to ride, but once it started, she was terrified and wouldn't let go of the wheel!

Logan LOVED this one! He wasn't afraid this time at all!
Rylee looking pretty worried!
After the ride, Logan wanted to go again, but Rylee was very sure she DID NOT! She did manage to find the ONE mud puddle around and slipped in it, getting mud all over her shoes and pants! This girl can find a mess anywhere!!!
Logan on his solo ride having lots of fun!
He liked the ride, but he was a little unsure at times, too!
They also had this cute little circus train! We had Darren ride with them so they didn't jump off the train. They LOVED this one and no one got scared. It just went in one little circle over and over, but they thought it was great!

The Webber Bear family!!!

After we finally got the kids after the rides, we shopped through the gift store a little. Logan picked a pin for his pin collection and we got an ornament for our Christmas tree since we never found time to do that in Yellowstone. We couldn't find a charm for Rylee though :( Then we decided to take another drive through the bears!

Logan watching the elk out the window
Rylee wanted to pretend that she was on a roller coaster! Such a funny girl!!!

I think this bull elk was the biggest one we saw
A big grizzly just a few feet from our car! He had just gone for a swim!

The car in front of us stopped....which you are NOT supposed to do and this bear was sniffing all over the car and almost jumped on the back. Talk about up close!

Logan had his hands like this and was "taking pictures" out the window. He kept saying "Click! Click!" I thought it was cute! I wonder where he got this from???
After BearWorld, we finished our long drive home. The kids slept almost the whole way and I finished the book I was reading. We got back home around 7 o'clock. I always hate returning from vacation! There is so much to do!
A few other fun things about the trip - Rylee talked to all the animals that we saw in a funny, high-pitched little voice, the same way she talks to babies. She loved talking to all the animals that we saw and had to say good-bye to them or she usually got upset! She also said her favorite thing from our trip was "the bears"! I think she is referring to the bears we saw, but I guess it could be her little stuffed bear, too. Logan's favorite thing was the geysers - mostly Old Faithful, but he liked any kind of hot pot we drove by. He also LOVED the hotel and the pool! He got some postcards for Grandma/pa's and told me exactly what to write. This is what it said: "I went to Jackson Hole and to Yellowstone. I LOVED swimming at the Painted Buffalo Hotel. I loved watching Old Faithful - the BIGGEST geyser in the world! We went to Bear World, too. Oh my goodness! LOTS of bears! We saw lots of buffalo and elk, too. Love, Logan (and Rylee)." Darren and I had a great time just relaxing and enjoying time with the kids! I think things will be a lot different with another baby soon, so it was good to spend time with Logan and Rylee and have a really fun memory! I'm so glad that we decided to take a vacation!


Clark Family said...

Looks like lots of FUN!!! You should have taken the little white goat home with you. He was cute!

Rachel said...

We went to Bear World two weeks ago. It was fabulous. I couldn't believe how up close and personal you got with the bears. I would definately go again.