Tuesday, August 25, 2009

34 Weeks

Time for another baby update! Things are going well! There is really not much new to report except that I gained 6 lbs in the last 2 weeks! That is A LOT for me and I have now gained 23 lbs total for the pregnancy. The Dr is thinking the baby might be pretty big, so they might end up moving my C-Section up a little. We will see at my next appointment in a week and a half. The kids went with me to my last appointment and were perfect little angels the whole time. They are so excited to go and hear the baby's heartbeat, although Logan is always hopeful that they will do an ultrasound again. He always asks if they can do one.
I've been feeling pretty good and am to the point where I can hardly eat because I feel like I am SO full of baby! (which is probably good with how much weight I gained lately!) The only thing that ever sounds good to me anyway is ice cream! The baby is VERY active and at times, I think I am starting labor because she is moving around so much and causing a little bit of pain. I had swollen feet for the first time ever in any pregnancy, which I think is pretty normal - it is just new to me. The baby is ALL out in front, so I don't look too big when sitting down or from certain angles, but I have been told that I go out to a point from the side! Love all the comments you get when you are prego!
We have solved our biggest dilemma about how to fit all our kids in the car by buying a minivan this last weekend. Now we just have to figure out which car to get rid of... It took Darren some convincing that a minivan was a good option, but I think we are both really happy with what we chose! I love all the seating options and cargo space it has! I also bought a new camcorder since I broke ours 2 weeks ago, so now I can quit having nightmares about not having one for the baby's birth. Now just a few more things to work out before the baby gets here! I have a million projects I hoped to have done before the baby comes, and have gotten a few done but I still have lots to go! With all the car shopping out of the way, I should have some more time for other things now. Hopefully, I can get motivated to get lots done in the next few weeks! Only 5 weeks to go, but after our last appointment I am thinking I might not make it that far....


3+Love~aki=Us said...

Wow it's so soon! I'm glad things are coming togeth. I think you are so amazing for the motivation and creativity you have...SERIOUS. I wish you the best!

Brooke :) said...

I'm glad that you were successful in your car shopping expedition! :) It was good to see you guys the other night. See you soon.

Brooke :)

Clark Family said...

Not too much longer! This is the week Logan was born yeah? CRAZY!!