Saturday, August 8, 2009

Swimming Lessons

In June, Logan took a week long session of swimming lessons. (June 15-19) He was pretty excited about it, but it was a lot of swimming - every day for a week! I was a little happy when we were done so we didn't have to go to the pool everyday! He had a great time and even learned a little bit, too! He LOVES to swim! Logan out front ready for his first day of swimming!
They had a little "cage" for all the kids to stay in when it wasn't their turn to be out with the teacher! Logan had a great time swimming around with his head under and bobbing up and down under the water when it wasn't his turn to swim!
Logan got into a little bit of trouble and had to have a "time out" for splashing too much.
Rylee was pretty good to just sit and watch Logan. I thought she would be wanting to get in the pool, but she was a good spectator - as long as we brought along plenty of fruit snacks.
Logan doing a back float. He can do one ALMOST by himself now. I think his spread eagle position in the water is pretty funny - Usually his legs were sticking way up!
This is Logan swimming with his favorite teacher, Mike! He LOVED him! The first 2 days were a little bit rough since there were not enough teachers for all the kids in the class and the kids didn't get enough time with the teachers. (I think Logan only had 3 turns with a teacher the first day! I almost pulled him out!) Luckily, they fixed the problem and brought in a new teacher - Mike - and he and Logan got along great! At the end of swimming, Logan invited Mike to his birthday party and he was pretty upset when Mike wasn't there on the day of his party!
Logan's favorite part of every lesson was when they got to jump in! He loved to jump in as FAR as he could!!!
Logan working on a front float
Logan and his funny back float position again!
All week all Logan could talk about was going off the diving board on the last day of lessons. When the day finally came, he wouldn't go off the big diving board for some reason, but he did go off these little platform ones a few times. I don't know why he wouldn't try the big ones - He has done them before! I think that since a lot of the other kids were afraid to do it, Logan was too.
Here he goes again... He loved jumping!
The proud swimming lesson graduate when lessons were over!
All week Logan wanted his picture with the Bobcat rock at the high school for some reason. He would ask about it every time we pulled into the parking lot. On the last day, I decided we'd better do it, so here he is!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

What a cute little swimmer!