Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Big Girl Bed

April 7, 12 - With the baby coming, there were a lot of changes at our house.  One of those was that the girls needed to move into one room together to make room for the new arrival.  We bought a bunk bed and got it assembled in Rylee's room and Rylee started sleeping in it, but I was nervous about moving Avery.  She sleeps SO good in her crib, I didn't want to mess that up!  But, I also didn't want the baby to come and boot her out of there and have her have more stress, so we moved her a couple weeks before the baby arrived.  This was her last night sleeping in her own room in her crib.
Avery has a very distinct bedtime routine.  She HAS to have her monkey pillow to go to sleep.  She also has to have her little stuffed monkey Coconut (since Easter she also sometimes also likes her little Scentsy stuffed lamb named Lamby) and a blankie - She has a pink minky one and a purple minky one and she likes them both.  We read a couple books in the chair in her room and then sing a song and then I put her in the crib.  She then requests that I sing "I am a child of God."  She then has to have her sippy cup placed just so in the corner of the crib by her head.  I have to place it there though.  She doesn't want to.  So funny how particular she is about certain things.
Avery's little stuffies in her crib

She also loves to jump and dance in her crib.  She loves for me to turn on Party Rock and to "shufflin" in her crib.  Too cute!
Big cheese!  I guess she is moving on....  I think it is funny with what a little monkey Avery is that she has rarely actually climbed out of her crib.  She only did for the first time around Christmas.  And even after that, she usually only did it at naptime.  It was very rare at bedtime.  A couple times she did climb out by herself in the morning, but most of the time she would just call for us.  A lot of times, even when she was a little baby and pulling herself up to EVERYTHING in the house, she would still just lay in her crib. 
A couple last pics of her room before she moves and it becomes the baby's room.  There won't be too many changes.  We will mostly just take down her letters and move some of her special toys and get rid of anything pink...
And now for the big girl bed!  I have been searching and searching for some bedding to match Rylee's.  I am so bothered that I didn't just buy another set when I bought hers, but I didn't!  We went down to Target and found this set with the same colors.  I didn't love it at first, but it has kind of grown on me and Avery loves her new PINK bed! 

 I was pretty nervous what would happen when we took Avery out of her crib and gave her some more freedom at bedtime, but she did so great!  I was even more nervous about having the two girls together in one room but they were perfect at bedtime and both went right to sleep!  We will see if that continues....  Avery was so happy about her big girl bed!  How cute!

 Big sister up on the top bunk...

For the most part these bunk beds have worked out pretty well.  They will have an occasional fight and sometimes will yell at each other to go to sleep, but for the most part, they are pretty happy together.  We still have a little more work to do on their room.  They need a new dresser and a few things, but they seem to like being roomies.  Most of the time...

Since we got the bunks, Avery has started a funny new little routine at bedtime.  She always decides right when we are leaving the room after tucking them in that she needs to tell us "someping".  These girls have both learned how to try and delay bedtime as much as possible and there is always one more little thing they want or need and they seem to feed off each other!  Avery's "someping" is usually the same something and it makes me laugh almost every time.  She just starts rattling off her friends' names and saying "Hallie mine age.  Ashlyn mine age.  Lizze mine age.  Sarah mine age."  It is so funny!  Lately, she has changed to a few different things she likes to tell us, but for a LONG time it was the SAME thing every night!  Funny girl! 

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