Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Greatest Sound in the World!

I'm so far behind on blogging!!!  Here is something current...

A few days before he turned 4 weeks, (May 22), I was feeding Bronson in the morning and he looked up at me and gave me the biggest REAL smile!  I loved it!  And, just to be sure that it wasn't a fluke thing, a few seconds later, he gave me another big one.  It was just about the sweetest thing ever!  I was in love and spent the next few days doing everything I could to get him to do it again.  He would occasionally, but those smiles were hard to get out of him!  He was a little stingy at first.  There is just something about those sweet little newborn smiles that melts my heart.  I love them.  Bronson's cute little nose wrinkles up and he has this big wide smile that fills his whole face and his eyes get so happy, too.  And if he smiles big enough, he has a couple little dimples. 

At 5 weeks, we went on a little overnight trip to celebrate the end of school.  We were at the hotel eating breakfast (June 2) and Daddy was holding Bronson and started using the binky to tickle his mouth.  He was doing the BIGGEST grins!  Of course, I didn't have my camera with me!  But, after that, he seemed to be the happiest baby around and started giving his smiles much more often.  Most of us had to work for them, but it seemed like all daddy had to do was talk to him and say "Bron-son" in a little sing-song voice, and he would crack the biggest smiles for him.  It was adorable! 

Since then, Bronson smiles all the time.  He is the happiest baby and he really only cries right when he wakes up and is hungry and sometimes if he gets a little too tired before he goes to sleep.  But, last night (June 25), we heard something new and wonderful from little Bronson.  We had gone to dinner with my family in Brigham City to celebrate my mom's birthday and we were out in the parking lot loading kids in the car.  Uncle Kyle (who is almost 13) was trying to get a smile from Bronson.  My brothers always say that he is just too calm.  They love trying to get him to smile lately.  He was jumping around and pulling faces and then...

Bronson laughed! 

Not just once, but a couple of times.

It was the sweetest, happiest sound!  I love our sweet baby boy!!! 

1 comment:

Emily said...

Baby laughs are magical...its funny how everyone comes running to be around a baby who is smiling and laughing...I don't know anyone who can't help but smile back- babies bring so much joy! It's easy to see that your all so in love with your handsome boy! so cute!