Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bronson - 2 weeks

I know that this is a ridiculous amount of pictures to post, but I am making a little baby book from this blog for Bronson, so I had to include lots.  I can't stop taking his picture and I can't choose which ones to post.  I love them all!  He is the sweetest little guy!  Here are a few quick facts about Bronson at 2 weeks.  And LOTS of pictures of him between 1 and 2 weeks old.  I miss how tiny and squishy he used to be...

May 10th, 2012 - Bronson finally lost his umbilical cord at his 2 week Dr appointment (May 10).  It was hanging by a thread, but I didn't want to pull it - It kind of scared me to do that.  The Dr pulled it right off though. 
At his Dr appointment, he weighed in at 8 lbs 9 oz!  He is growing SO fast!!!   
Bronson is starting to be awake more now and loves to just stare up into your face - I love it!  He has the biggest eyes and he seems to take everything in.  He seems so curious and so much older than he is and that he is already focusing and loves to look at faces. 
Has had a couple little outings so far but nothing too big yet.  We took him for Newborn pictures in Salt Lake when he was 9 days old.  He has also been to a couple of Logan's soccer games but we stayed in the van.  The only other times we have really taken him anywhere this week was to his 2 week Dr appt and Mommy's Dr appt - Nothing exciting or fun yet.  I like to hide out for awhile when I have a new baby! 
Bronson got to meet a few more family members this week.  When we took him for newborn pictures, he finally got to meet Grandpa Bill, and also Aunt Laurie and Uncle Kev and Aunt Katie (from a distance because she didn't have her pertusis shot yet.)  He also got to meet Uncle Brad, who couldn't wait to post the picture of him and Bronson on FB so he could get lots of comments from cute girls. 
Bronson is starting to wear some 0-3 month clothes - He is getting a little big for his newborn stuff.
He loves to be swaddled up and he likes a binky when he is fussy.
Daddy babysat on Wednesday night while Mom went out for Bunco and he took a bottle like a champ...not sure how I feel about that.  I think its good!  As long as he still likes to nurse...I would love to have a little more freedom since Avery and Rylee would never take bottles! 
Bronson doesn't like bath or being undressed and pees everywhere quite often during diaper changes.  He even peed on the girls one day and they were completely mortified! 
Bronson has the sweetest little face and expressions.  I could stare at him all day.  And I do...  He is just so darn cute! 
He is starting to chunk up and even has a few little rolls.  Not much, but he is definately getting bigger and his legs are not SO skinny as they were.
The kids are all still completely in love with him and want to hold him ALL the time!!!  I hope he survives their love because the girls are not all too gentle with him.  

May 4 - 8 Days old!  Love those big eyes and the way he stares up into my face! 
Looking for some food

Love those big, dark eyes!

May 4 - Trying out another new outfit

It seems hard to catch him with his eyes open, so when I do, I take LOTS of pictures! 

Love those little sleepy smiles! 

Avery always wants a picture when I take them of Bronson.  I figured it was a good way to tell how tiny he is with how BIG she looks!
May 5 - Our little trip to Salt Lake.  Bronson meeting Grandpa Bill.  He was such a good baby on the drive down and didn't fuss at all!  He didn't even wake up during pictures.  We are hoping that he is a better traveler than Avery.  So far, so good! 
Bronson meeting Uncle Brad
May 6 - Baby Bronson 10 days old and Avery
Bronson and Logan

Bronson and Rylee
Taking a Sunday snooze with Daddy on the couch.  We both fight over who gets to do this!  It is the BEST thing about a sweet new little baby.  He won this time! 

Oops...  I woke Daddy up with the camera... 
May 6 - I have no idea how this little guy moves himself so much but he is a squirmer!  I found him like this!  He also has managed to squirm his way out of his swing at night TWICE!  Guess I need to be better about buckling, but it is hard when they are wrapped up and he is so tiny I always figure that he won't move much, but I guess not!  He also squirmed his way off of our ottoman after I changed his diaper while I was taking his dirty one to the garbage.  We might be in for trouble if he keeps moving like this already! 

10 days old! 

May 9 - Bronson 13 days old.  Showing off another outfit before it is too small! 

Rylee LOVES to help out with Bronson
May 10 - Bronson 2 weeks old.  I decided to take pictures like this every month.  In the same chair with the same stuffed animal to see how much bigger he gets.  I wish I would have started when he first came home, but I guess starting at 2 weeks will have to do. 

Sitting up is a little tough when you are so tiny!

Since sitting up seemed a little hard, we tried this. 

I loved this cute little hoodie on him. 

Big Baby yawns! 

Bronson and Mommy - 2 weeks old! 

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