Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bronson - 1 Month Photos

 So, back when Logan was a baby, I got this really neat Pottery Barn frame as a baby gift with a space for a picture each month.  My cousin gave it to me and told me that she would take her little one to a cheap portrait studio each month for pictures to put in the frame and just spend a little each time.  I loved that idea and started it with Logan, even though everyone told me I would never be able to keep it up with my other kids.  Of course, that was back before digital photography was very big and I could go every month and they would only take about 6 pictures so it was easy to just choose a couple and only spend around $20 or so.  I loved it and it was something I wanted to keep as a tradition.  So, I have.  But, it has gotten MUCH harder!  With digital photography, they take SO many pictures and I have the hardest time choosing!  For awhile, I thought about giving up the idea.  But, I didn't want Bronson to feel bad he didn't have those pictures, too.  And I do actually love doing it and seeing the changes each month.  So, I am going to try and keep it up.  Here is our first attempt....  Bronson's one month pictures.  I actually had my photographer do some pictures of all my kids together because I felt bad when I looked at all the family pictures in our house and Bronson was missing.  But, I wasn't feeling ready for family pictures.  So, she took some amazing pics of my kiddos all together and a few of Bronson for his one month.  He wasn't too cooperative though so she wasn't able to get too many.  I was a little bummed about that. 

 I also started a new tradition.  Bad idea, right?  I found these fun little stickers that show how old the baby is for each month that you can just stick onto a onesie.  I thought it was such a cute idea!  I decided to also put Bronson in the same little chair next to his stuffed elephant so you can easily see how old he is and how much bigger he is getting.  I thought I would just snap a few but I ended up with over 200 pictures that day!  So, there are a LOT of them!  I narrowed them down but there are still a lot... 

He LOVES his binky! 

I was planning on just taking the ones in the chair, but I just kept going...  They are not professional by any means but he sure is cute!  

I love that little half smile... 

Such sweet tiny toes!
I decided to take a couple with the kids, too.  Best buddies!  Bronson is going to LOVE his big brother when he gets a little bigger!  He already does...  I just think they are going to be the best buddies!  
And getting smothered by his sissies!  I hope this poor baby survives all their loves! 
So, I guess the monthly tradition has begun! 

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