Monday, June 11, 2012

Letters to Uncle Jeff

Today we wrote some letters to Uncle Jeff.  Since they tell what we are up to, I thought I would keep record of them. 

Here is what Avery wrote:

Dear Uncle Jeff,
I love you!  I've been playing lots!  I like to do dance recitals for my mom and dad.  I love to go swimming!  I love you!  Love, Avery  (She says to write I Love you about 15 times when we write letters...)

Logan wrote his very own letter.  It said,
6-11-12 (He always writes the date, which I think is funny for a first grader...)
My sisters are a MESS!  I'll be in 2nd grade.  Its Summer.  I went to some fun suprises!  A hotel, trafalga, Madagascar 3.  From , Logan
He is short and to the point.  He spelled Madagascar right all by himself and he was pretty proud of that. 

Here is Rylee's letter.  It is MUCH longer.  I think she would have written more except we ran out of paper and she didn't want to walk to the other room to get another piece.  She usually writes her own stuff, but she had a lot to say so she had me write it.  Its a good thing.  I would have been spelling things for her ALL day if she would have done it herself...

Dear Uncle Jeff,
I finished Preschool!  I had my Graduation a couple weeks ago and now its summer break.  I'm going to my friends birthday party and I'm So excited!  Its a Unicorn party!  I bought her a Tinkerbell doll and her name is Rosetta.  I'm having SO much fun this summer - I swimmed at my friends, I'm going to the park tomorrow and I'm making Smores tonight.  AND we are going to camp out in the backyard some night and I'm SO excited!  I camped in your yard before but this will be my first time in mine.  I had my first tball game a couple days ago.  I LOVE tball- I get to hit, I can run bases and I like to play putting the ball on.  (That is what she calls playing catcher).  My flowers are growing so well and and are so pretty!  I love to help my dad in the yard and we planted tons of new flowers and plants!  I bought new Princess gloves at the store today to help my dad in the yard.  I even got to go through a car wash today!  I'm taking treats to tball...not this time, but next time.  Guess what?  In Madagascar 3, the zebra sings, "Polka dot, polka dot, afro circus."  It is so funny!  I just can't get it out of my head.  This mean girl who tries to catch the lion is in a little box at the end.  I love you!
Love, Rylee

I love this letter because I can totally hear Rylee's voice when I read it - It is just her wording and the way she skips from thing to thing.  And she would just keep talking and talking until she ran out of breath.  I had to remind her to slow down so I could write.  Funny girl! 

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