Friday, June 29, 2012

CelEbraTinG seVeN...

I have lots of things I need to blog, but I wanted to document all the things from Logan's special day while I can still remember!  Wednesday (June 27) Logan turned SEVEN!!!  I guess that I was really not ready for this because on Sunday when we celebrated his birthday with our family, Darren got out the candles and I told him, "You know we need six, right?"  He had only gotten out five.  Then, Darren's brother Cory had to tell us, "Don't you need seven?" 

Then when I sent Darren to the store to get a few things for the actual birthday, he texted me and said, "You mean you need a seven candle, right?  Not a six."  I had written that I needed a SIX candle on the list I sent him with.  I guess I am trying to keep him six forever.  That would really be OK with me!  I love this kid! 

Birthdays are a big deal at our house and Logan was REALLY excited about his coming and he has been going crazy lately getting ready for it.  He was up about 6:30 and was in our room saying,"Guess what today is?" and we had to send him back to bed for awhile!  He still got up pretty early and watched his new favorite show for awhile (it was either Kratt Brothers or Ninjago -  They are both his favorite right now...) until the rest of us got up.  Then, we made him his breakfast per his request - Pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream.  He was so happy about that!  Part way through breakfast, he asked where the bacon was, but since he hadn't put that on his request, we didn't have any.  He told us during breakfast that he had his day planned out.  Lunch at Pizza Pie Cafe, Soft play at the fun park and dinner at Chick-fil-A.  We got pretty close to doing all he wanted. 

Next, we opened presents.  He had been begging all morning and was so excited! We teased him a lot about all the things we were going to do before presents and he was getting stressed about not getting them open!  I love watching Logan open presents.  Logan is a boy who gets so excited about everything.  I love how much joy he gets out of even the little things.  During his birthday party, he was a little rude about some of his gifts (mostly clothes...) and just tossed them aside.  He IS a seven year old boy and clothes are just not that exciting to him.  We talked to him about being more considerate about that and when he opened things, he needed to take the time to at least look at them.  He was so funny when he opened the clothes he got and made a nice comment about each thing.  It was pretty entertaining to hear what he would come up with.  He got lots of fun stuff - clothes, a Toy Story video game, some Ninjago underwear, the Disney Nature blu-rays, a Zoobooks magazine subscription, a big Star Wars tank thing (I'm sure he could tell you what it is called, but I can't...) some Ninjago spinners and a big Ninjago lego set called the Samurai Mech.  When he opened the spinners, he was really excited.  The Samurai Mech set didn't come in time since I had to order it online and so we used another box and put a picture of it on there and it took him awhile to figure out what the present was, but once he did, he freaked out and was jumping up and down and screaming!  Love him! 

Next, he HAD to put all his spinners together.  Ninjago is a totally new thing at our house in the last couple months and Logan has become obsessed and these spinners are such a big deal to him and he was so excited!  Then, we finally pulled him away from them to get ready so we could go to the soft play at the Fun Park.  He loves going there and asks any time he is out of school or anything.  The kids were the only ones in the Softplay and they had so much fun running around and playing tag and going down the slide over and over!  Then, Daddy got some tokens and ended up winning the jackpot on one of the arcade games!  He won tons of tickets!  Instead of picking a big prize for himself, Logan picked mystery bags for him and both of the girls and shared the rest of his tickets for the girls to pick a few things, too.  They ended up getting all junk, but they loved every minute of it! Logan is the kindest and most patient brother! 

We were running a bit behind schedule and Dad had to leave for work before we made it to lunch at Pizza Pie Cafe, which was the original plan, so we had to change a few things around.  I talked Logan into going to Chick-Fil-A for lunch instead of dinner.  The funny thing was that when I told him he could pick anywhere he wanted for dinner the first thing he asked was, "What day is my birthday?"  When I said Wednesday, he immediately responded, "Chick-fil-A!"  That is because on Wednesdays they used to do special family night activities and we would go sometimes.  However, Avery is SO terrified of their cow mascot, we stopped going. Anyway, I think he thought this would be the way to get to go again.  They have had someone there who makes balloon creations and other fun things.  Once I talked to him and said that they might not be having a party that night, (which they ended up NOT having so it is a good thing we talked about this...) he decided we could go there for lunch instead.  We walked in and...  The COW was there!  Poor Avery was terrified, but we survived and Logan got to have a special banana shake since it was his birthday and he loved it!  He is always asking for things like that, but I usually say no, but I couldn't say no on his birthday!

We spent the afternoon at home.  Logan did lots of Lego assembling!  Besides the things he got from us, he also got lots of sets from his family party.  In the past, Logan has always had Mom or Dad do most of the assembling when it came to Legos, but he can now do most of it himself and he was very proud of that.  He also started to watch part of the Earth documentary movie.  He loves those nature kind of movies.  Then, we went to dinner at Chuck-a-Rama!  Logan changed his mind between there and Pizza Pie Cafe many times during the afternoon, but that was his final decision.  He made several trips to the buffet and ate lots of their yummy mac and cheese and pizza.  My mom came with us to dinner since she had been up to have some dental work done and Logan told her he was in "buffet mode."  He finished off the night with some ice cream and rice pudding.  I don't know why but he gets excited when he sees rice pudding, but then he doesn't ever really like it!  Daddy had to work late, so we didn't get to dinner until about 8, so it was past nine when we headed home.  We did a quick round of "Happy Birthday" and blew out candles on the very sad cake that I had made, but we didn't eat any since we were all stuffed from dinner.  Then, Logan begged to stay up extra late, but by then, it was already 10 and EXTRA late enough.  He wanted a sleep over in the girls room, but they kept fighting and it didn't end well, so it was back to his own room. 

All in all, I think it was a pretty fun day for our birthday boy.  He was so funny to tell us exactly how he wanted things to go.  He woke up early again this morning and was waiting anxiously by the mailbox for his big lego set to come.  He did great finishing all his chores and helping so he could put it together and told me that he and dad "set a new record" for lego sets of that size for finishing it in just over an hour. 

How I love our Logan.  He brings so much joy to our family!  I have much more that I want to say about him and all the things he loves, but this post is long enough already!  I'll save it for another.  Logan is probably the happiest, kindest, funniest, smartest and sweetest little boy I know.  We are so blessed to have him.  He is the one who first made me a mom, which  I will forever be grateful to him for.  He teaches us so much and is so much fun to have around.  Happy Birthday Mr Logan!  We LOVE you!!! 

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