Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bronson Newborn Pics

Back in March, my sister called and told me about a photographer she knew who was giving away newborn photo sessions to people due between April 15 and May 15.  So, I hurried and emailed her and I won!  The only problem was she was WAY down in Riverton and I wasn't sure that I would be up for the trip so soon after the baby.  And she wasn't the photographer I always use, so I was a little nervous to try someone new for something this important.  But, it did save $200 so I scheduled it and decided to see how things went.  I changed my mind several times those first few days, but I was feeling pretty good when it came around and Darren had a Real game he wanted to go to in Salt Lake that weekend and Bronson hadn't met his Grandpa, so we decided to make the trip.  I was really happy with the pictures.  She was great with Bronson and he was an angel baby and slept through the whole 2 hour photo shoot!   Here are the pictures.  They were taken on May 5th, when Bronson was just 9 days old. 

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