Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Wow!  Catching up the blog is an exhausting task with a new baby!  I can't seem to get too much done with the amount of time I spend feeding my new little guy.  And snuggling.  To be honest, I never really want to put him down to get much else done.  He is so sweet and it seems like he has grown so much already.  I keep thinking if I just hold him all the time, maybe he won't grow up so fast....  And at night I usually fall alseep on the couch instead of accomplishing something.  I keep thinking I will get some surge of energy or something will change and I will have more time for things, but I don't see how that is going to happen soon.  I don't want to miss these memories though, so I will keep plugging along when I get the chance.  I ordered my very first blog book this week and I am so excited to see how it looks and turns out.  Maybe it will give me some more motivation to get things caught up! 

Anyway, here are a few leftover things from the month of April... 

April 1 - My belly just a short 25 days before I delivered at about 35 weeks!  Looking pretty ready to go! 

April 3 - Logan had to go to bed before the National Championship College game, but he got up early the next morning and got the newspaper and checked the sports page and then left these signs on the counter.  Way to go Kentucky!  I love my little sports nut!

 April 3 - The kids building Ry's new Friends Legos she got for her birthday.  They are super cute, but I think Logan got them so he could put them together for her.  She was nice to let him help her and they played Legos for quite awhile.  I love when they play nice together like this.  It was a good start to their Spring Break!  They have gotten all their minifigures together several times since and had a nice time playing legos.

I love Avery's face in this picture...  She is always making the funniest faces! 

April 7 -  Our Kids' bathroom got a much needed update!  We went to Target as part of our Spring Break fun and got some bedding for Avery since the girls were moving into their bunk beds and we also found this fun stuff for the kids' bathroom.  I am loving it!  Our old shower curtain we got for our wedding so it was nine years old and time for something new and more fun!

 April 8 - We had a great time over Spring Break with our trip down to Salt Lake.  The Easter bunny visited and the kid's looked fabulous in their new Easter stuff!  And Mommy turned 31 - Busy week! 

 April 12 - Logan all ready for his first soccer game of the year!  When it was time to sign up, he said he only wanted to play if it wouldn't rain at all his games, and of course, it was raining for game one!  Luckily, it didn't last too long and it was pretty warm by the time the game was over!  He decided to play since Daddy would coach and is having fun playing on a bigger field with positions and a goalie. 

 The girls watching Logan play - This one is happy....

This one is NOT!  Can you believe that sweet of a girl can make THIS face?  She was REALLY mad at me for not bringing snacks! 
I found a granola bar in the car and they were in a much better mood after that!  Still cold though!  Spring soccer always seems to be FREEZING!

April 14 - Sissies watching a cartoon together - LOVE this!

April 15 - A good Sunday activity is making pictures for Uncle Jeff!  The kids love it!  I should get better at mailing them...

April 15 - Avery eating our Sunday dessert!  What a mess!  She LOVES her chocolate!

April 15 - The belly keeps growing!  37 weeks - Full term now! 

April 15 - Avery was telling me some funny stories after church so I just grabbed the camera and videoed her and snapped some pics.  She is hilarious!  I love the way she talks so cute and her facial expressions!  She is a great story teller and I love to hear about her adventures at nursery.  She tells me who she played with, the snack, and what songs they sang.  She remembers a lot of details and puts a lot of emotion and animation into her stories.  

Love the pouty face! 
April 18 - Ry's pet caterpillars turned into butterflies!  The kids wanted to hold them.  The first time just daddy and Avery tried and it went pretty well. 

Then all the kids found out that Avery held them while they were at school and so they wanted to try.  We went upstairs to the craft room so they couldn't escape.  They weren't as interested in staying in one place and were much harder to hold.  They kept flying away and into the window.  I think they thought they were going to escape!  
The butterfly is hanging upside down off Rylee's finger. 
Logan was pretty nervous about it.... 

April 21 - I won a Houseparty contest, where you agree to host a party to try new products.  We won the new Kinect Disney Rush game.  I was really excited about that because it is a game I wanted anyway, so it saved us $50.  To win, you agree to host a party and have people over to try it.  Since we were so close to having the baby, we had a VERY low key party with our friends, the Bladens.  We had pizza and the boys tried out the game. Nothing too exciting, but they boys had a blast playing the game!  
While they were here for the party, the girls also decided it was time to let the butterflies go.  These aren't great pictures because I didn't really know it was happening until it was almost over but I needed some record of the event since these are some of the only pets my kids have had.  I might be a mean mom to not get them something more exciting, but I am not a real big pet person and I can't even get my kids potty trained! 
Bye, Bye Butterflies!

April 22 - There was a Whooping cough outbreak that affected a few people in our ward, and since the new baby was almost here, we decided to stay home to be safe on Sunday.  We had a great day being together.  We had our own primary and enjoyed some time just hanging out in the yard.  Avery put on this funny outfit and put her lawn chair in the driveway and told us she was watching a parade at Disneyland.  Love this girl!  She is so funny right now! 
Waving at the princesses in the imaginary Disneyland parade

Avery chowing down on an orange.  Everything she does seems to make me laugh!

Avery and Daddy just hanging out in the grass.  That Sunday was one of my favorite days with the family.  I love being together! 

April 25 - Grandma Pat came up to stay the night before the baby was born and took us to dinner at Winger's.  One last time out as a family of FIVE!!!  Things are going to be changing soon. We may never make it out of the house with four little ones....

 Avery and her faces....

April 26 - Of course, our biggest April news was the birth of our sweet Bronson!  What a great day for our family! 

April 29 - And on the 29th, we brought him home to all the craziness!  I hope he survives it!  He is one loved little baby and we are so glad he has blessed our family! 

Whew....  Now on to the month of May!!! 

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