Monday, June 25, 2012

Bronson-3 Weeks

Another long post about Bronson.  Here are some pictures of him between 2 and 3 weeks old.  I wish they didn't grow up so fast! 

May 11 - Just hanging out in the toy room while the kids played.  He looked so tiny curled up on the bean bag!

Avery ALWAYS wants her picture taken with Bronson.  She is SO in love with her new baby brother!  I just wish she was a LITTLE more gentle with him...
Mommy's little monster....the hat is a bit big and a little silly, but still cute! 
May 12 - Just checking things out

A little gassy smile
Blue Steel!  Love this funny face! 

May 12 - 16 days old.  Aunt V and Uncle Brian came to visit and Aunt Vanessa helped mommy get a few pictures.  These were some of my favorites of him so far!  I loved these jammies on him and the colors and I was glad for someone to hold him so I could get some different angles.  This first one is post-sneeze.  Baby sneezes are the cutest! 

Looking so happy! 

Sweet little yawns

Love, Love, LOVE this one! 

Hanging out with Daddy

Sleeping in his bouncer.  He likes to sleep there better than anywhere else and I love how he curls up and sleeps all cuddled. 

May 13 - The Dr pulled off Bronson's umbilical cord at his 2 week appointment, so he could finally have a real bath in the sink now and not just a sponge bath!  He wasn't real sure at first but ended up really liking it.

I love how calm he looks once he got used to it. 

 I love how cute he was all cuddled in his towel after.

May 13 - For Mother's Day, we made the trip to Grandma's and Bronson got to meet Aunt Heather for the first time.  (He also met Uncle Jay, Ethan and Robin, but we didn't get pics of them with him with all the craziness.)  Aunt Heather had bronchitis when Bronson was born, so she had to stay away for a little bit, but was so excited to finally meet him. 
Bronson with Uncle Dean
With Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura.  He met them for the first time too since they were in Disneyworld when he was born.  He also got to "meet" Uncle Jeff over Skype for the first time. 
Mommy and Bronson on Mother's Day.  What a gift! 
May 14 - Little Bronson 2 1/2 weeks.  He is starting to be more awake and alert! 

Rylee holding Bronson - she LOVES being a big sister! 

His other Big sister, Miss Avery.  These girls can't leave him alone!  They want to hold him all day long! 

Bronson and Logan - Such cute brothers! 

May 15

I love his little milky tongue! 

May 17 - At Logan's soccer game.  This was one of the first places he really went.  I was hoping to keep him in the stroller all covered up for most of the game, but he got really fussy and I ended up having to hold him most of the game.  I had taken him to a couple other games, but this was the first one where we got out of the car.  This will be the first of MANY soccer games for him to go to! 
3 weeks old! 

Bronson taking a snooze with Mommy - 3 weeks old! 

A few things about Bronson at 3 weeks...  
Bronson is starting to change so much and look so much bigger!  He is getting some really chubby little cheeks and is losing some of that wrinkly and squishy newborn look.  He loves to stretch out his arms and legs and he looks so long now. 
I LOVE the way he just stares up at me!  It is so sweet!  He looks like he has so much to say and he has this sweet little half smile so much of the time.  He seems to understand so much.
He looks like such a little man with his dark hair and his big eyes.  I love his sweet little face and dressing him in all his new clothes now that he is wearing 0-3 month.  It is hard to put away that tiny newborn stuff! 
Bronson has some killer burps!  They are SO loud you can hear them all the way across the room and they always surprise me coming from something so tiny.  His toots are the same!  He is LOUD! 
I just love all his little sounds as he is waking up and even in his sleep. Sometimes just sweet little noises, grunts, squeals... I love baby noises. 
I love it when he does a big yawn and I see his sweet milky tongue!
Bronson is putting on the pounds!  He is getting so much chubbier in the face and his little chicken legs are not so skinny.  He is definitely getting enough to eat and is a great little nurser. 
Still no major outings.  We have been doing some work in the yard so he has been outside with me a little bit and to Logan's soccer game, but that is about it. 

Bronson loves to have the bottom of his feet tickled.  It seems to calm him right down.  He also loves to have his little legs tucked up underneath him like he is in a little ball.  I also love how his hands stay in little fists and his little toes stay curled all the time. 
Bronson is such a good baby.  He doesn't cry much.  He is starting to be fussy more often and is a little more particular lately.  He loves to sleep next to mom at night.  He doesn't really seem to like being in the bassinet.  If I put my head up against his when he is laying next to me or holding me, it usually calms him down and sometimes puts him right to sleep.  When he does get upset, he loves to be wrapped up and have a binky.  That usually calms him down.  He usually only gets upset when he is hungry or a little fussy when he is tired. 

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