Sunday, February 12, 2012

Field Trip

Oct 24 - Logan's class took a walking field trip to see the Pumpkin Walk and the girls and I tagged along. I love going on field trips with my kids to see how they interact with the other kids and to see the teachers in a different setting. Even though we had already been to the Pumpkin Walk, it was a little bit different to go in the daytime and see the displays. We had a great time! Logan loves his class this year and we had fun with them.
Logan's classSilly faces....
Logan's favorite display - The angry birds pumpkins!
This is Logan's reading group and one of the other groups. His teacher had them take little group pictures this way. I don't know what Logan's face is all about....
Back Row: James, Carter and Noah Front: Shaylee, Tori, Gracie, Olivia, Selena, Logan and Spencer
Logan really wanted a picture by this Aggie football display, too.Avery really liked the Winnie the Pooh pumpkins! And I made her a brand new bow for that outfit, but she ripped it off the clip on the walk over to see the pumpkins. Little stinker!
Rylee had a great time on the field trip. She found a couple of the big girls that she knew in Logan's class (Eden and Gracie) and totally tagged along with them the whole time. I hope they didn't mind! She thought she was so grown up. This was Rylee's favorite display - The Tangled one of course! Avery, Rylee and Gracie

My kids' favorite part of the pumpkin walk is taking pictures in all these cut-outs that you can stick your head in. Last year, we even had to go back because Logan only got to do a couple and he wanted to do more. This year we had plenty of time. Which meant a TON of pictures in every different one. There are a lot and I didn't even pick them all!
Logan as Yoda
I think he makes a pretty good Harry Potter
Logan the genie
Rylee as Cinderella
Rylee as Yoda
Avery makes a cute Buzz - She always had her little hands in the way
She really wanted to be Arial, but she couldn't reach so I had to hold her up and have someone else take the picture for us.
Avery as a very cheesy Winnie the Pooh
Peeking through this one - I think it was Where the Wild Things are. Sometimes she was tall enough to poke her head through without help. Well, almost tall enough...

Pretty Princess Rylee as Snow White
Logan the Buzz
Avery loves Jessie!
The three Amigos!
Rylee just HAD to be Arial! She was a little disappointed that there was no Rapunzel.
We were about to leave and Avery about lost it because she didn't get to be 'Rella yet. So I had to hold her up again and have someone help us with the camera. She really wants to be SO big all the time! She is really getting into the Princesses just like her sister.

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