Monday, February 6, 2012

October Recap

Here is our October recap.... only 2 months left to go for 2011!!! I didn't do a great job taking pictures of doing much exciting this month because this is when I was feeling the worst. We did have a few exciting things - Darren and I took a trip, Uncle Jeff got his mission call and we told the kids our exciting news about baby #4! We also had fun doing lots of celebrating for Halloween! I love holidays!!!
Oct 2 - Here are the kids enjoying General Conference. The last couple years I have started printing out packets of fun activities and coloring things to do during conference and it works so great! They get so excited for conference and love their packets, and Darren and I actually get to listen... if we stay awake... They were seriously angels this year! Avery LOVES to color and she thought this little desk was the best! It looks like a small bomb exploded in our family room, but it kept them busy! We also use the tent a lot for them to color inside. We read a thing about how the people listened to King Benjamin while in a tent a couple years ago and so the kids thought that was a good way to watch conference.
Logan coloring
She is so happy while she colors. And her hair... it looks like that all the time! Even if I just do it, it will look like that again in 10 minutes.... Poor Rylee had this awful rash! The Dr said it was just something from a virus she probably had. She did run a fever for a day or 2 and then was fine and then broke out with this. It started just a little bit on her face and then spread a lot more and was on her chest, too. Not fun!
Logan soon got bored with his coloring and started having lightsaber wars with the crayons. Oh well! Whatever works! As long as he is quiet and I can listen, I don't have any problems with that! She is just plain cute! October 7th - Avery playing Peek-A-Boo. She is at such a fun age right now! Oct 9-14 - Darren and I went on a little trip to Vegas for his ADA Convention. It was a great break!!! More on that in a separate post.
October 16 - Logan and Rylee looking all fancy for the Ward Primary Program. They did a great job and both of them had their parts memorized and sang so good! Rylee's class sat on the front rows since our Primary is SO big that they couldn't all fit on the stand and we sat right in back of them, so we got a great view of her. Logan was right in the front row on the stand. They were both really excited and especially loved raising up their scriptures when they sang Scripture Power!
It was Rylee's first chance to be in the Program. She can be a little shy sometimes so I was a little worried if she would say her part, but she did great! Her whole class had the same part and it was so cute! She said, "My name is Rylee Webber and I am a child of God."I can't remember what Logan's part was exactly, but he had it memorized really fast and did a great job saying it into the microphone. It was something about Heavenly Father's plan for us was to come to the earth.
Oct 17 - Avery came up with another great fashion look! She is so funny! This is her pj top, Logan's High School Musical dress-up shorts, her cute summer shoes and Rylee's hoodie draped over her shoulder... What a look!!!
And a boogie...

Oct 17 - I finally got Avery to wear a real outfit. And the girls were coloring together so cute. Both of them love to draw and write and color and will do it a lot of the day. Logan has never been one to sit still very long, but the girls love this kind of stuff. And I love when they share and get along!
Oct 19 - Rylee had the preschool snack. Since it was the month of October, we came up with these cute little mummy hot dogs. She was so proud of them!
Oct 22 - Cute Avery fell asleep on the way to the Aggie football game with her Elmo and her "toconut" (Coconut the monkey) snuggled up next to her.
So sweet!
October 22 - We are HUGE Aggie fans at our house and have had football season tickets since we moved back to Utah. This year, we didn't get them. Because of Darren's surgery and our trips, we were going to miss several games, so we decided it wasn't worth it to get tickets. So, this is the one and only game that we all made it to this year! It was against Louisiana Tech and we ended up losing. But, we had a good time. Avery is probably the child who enjoys the games the most right now. She loves everything going on and loves to clap and cheer and gets so excited! She says "Aggies" so cute!
I love my Aggie fans!
They handed out these rally rags and Avery loved spinning hers!
So did Logan - He got a little crazy and almost hit a few people...
Having a few snacks
Utah State! Hey! Aggies All the Way!!!
We had some serious sun glare, but we had a good time. Too bad they didn't win!
October 25 - I don't know how this happens, but occasionally Avery will refuse to take a nap, and then a little while later, we will find her somewhere crashed out! Here is one of those days!
October 26 - One day, I took a shower and when I got out, I went into Avery's room and could immediately smell Desitin! She was in the corner in the closet smearing it all over herself. I said, "AVERY! What are you doing?" I didn't even really yell. Yet. I was about to! But I couldn't because she broke into tears. Avery is a big tender heart when it comes to getting in trouble. She got so sad and wouldn't even look at me because she felt so bad. Hopefully, all those tears means she won't do it again! October 26 - Avery on her phone. This just seemed like a flash ahead to the teenage years and I had to take a picture. She loves to talk on the phone! If she talks to my mom or someone and they ask what she is doing her response is always "just hanging out". She also tilts her head to the side so cute. I love listening to her pretend phone conversations. They are pretty entertaining!
This one looks like "Mom! I am on the phone!!!" I hope I still have a few more years before we come to that!
October 26 - We went to the Aggie blue and white basketball game. Basketball season is our favorite time of year! We got season tickets again this year and are so excited to see the Aggies play. Logan LOVES it and knows most of the players and their numbers. He is a HUGE fan! And they usually win at basketball so it is better than football! After the scrimmage, the team signed autographs and Logan couldn't wait to get everyone to sign his poster.
Logan and Brockeith Pane
Avery waited in line to meet the Aggies, too. Rylee decided she would rather go play with her friends Savanna and Hallie on the chairs instead of waiting in line. Logan and his buddy Carter with Logan's favorite Aggie player, Brady Jardine. He ended up getting injured really early in the season and Logan is so bummed! We thought he was coming back next year, but we just found out that he is not! Sad!
Logan and his poster and Creamie
Carter, Logan and Avery after getting all their autographsOctober 29 - We told the kids that we are going to have a baby! We did a fun little scavenger hunt - I did another post with all the details. They are SO excited!!! Logan's 1st grade picture retakes. I like these ones much better. He is such a handsome boy!
And we also had a great Halloween - More details on that in another post, too. I just loved my Nemo, Jedi and Dorothy and we had a great time celebrating!

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