Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First Snow Day

Nov 5 - We had our first snow fall and the kids were so excited! It took awhile for me to dig out all the snow gear and find stuff that fit and they could hardly wait to get out and play. The first snow is always the most exciting! It seems like usually by the end of winter, we are so tired of it, but this year I think we wouldn't mind a little more. This is one of the very few times this year that we even got to go out because we haven't had much snow since. They had a blast!!!
All bundled up and ready to go! I love Avery's little smile - She is so excited to go and by like the big kids.
Tromping around in the snow - We really didn't get much! It was enough for snowball fights and snow angels though so they were pretty happy. No snowman though. Snow angels! I wish I would have gotten a better picture. Watching Avery walk around in the snow just made me laugh. She was so bundled up and couldn't walk too well in those puffy pants and coats and big snow boots. She did much better than last year though. She just had a hard time getting up if she fell! She loves to be big like the other kids and thought playing in the snow was great. Ry getting hit with one of Logan's snow balls. They thought throwing it (especially at ME) was hilarious, but didn't really like it coming back at them!
The favorite activity of the day was eating snow!

This girl LOVES her snow - Especially eating it! When the other kids were done playing (which wasn't long at all!), I asked her if she wanted to come in for some hot chocolate and she said, "Mom! There is still more snow to eat!"

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