Friday, February 24, 2012

And.... EVEN More Family Pictures

Nov 24 - Here are our family pictures from our photo shoot with our extended family. I wish they would have turned out a little better. I loved the colors we wore and especially the second setting we went to (the leaves), but the kids were freezing and since the photographer was taking so many, he didn't take a lot of time to pose us. I hate that I am holding Avery in every single picture. (It did help hid the baby bump, but you can't see her outfit that well) They turned out pretty cute though. And there are LOTS to choose from! This was my favorite one. Ry had a little episode after this one and we had to take a break.
My sweet littles! If you can't tell, they were SO done by the time we got to these one and this location was FREEZING! I still think they are cute though!

I love my sweet little family! So blessed to have them all!

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

These are great! I think I like them even better than the others!