Friday, February 24, 2012

Trimming the Tree

Nov 21 - I normally am completely opposed to putting up our tree before Thanksgiving, but this year I couldn't wait for some reason! I don't know if I was just in the Christmas mood, or if it just made me feel better after being sick. Either way, I wanted it up! So, we did it a little before Thanksgiving, which has never happened before at our house!
The kids love getting out the Christmas stuff and looking at all the ornaments we have collected. We get a new family one each year and the kids also pick their own ornament each year. They love having their own special ones to put on the tree. This year, Logan picked a Lego Star Wars Darth Vader ornament, Rylee picked a Rapunzel ornament and Avery picked a Mickey clubhouse one that was a hot air "babloon". Our family one came from Disneyland since that was our vacation this year. We have quite the collection of those!
This is not a great picture, but it captures Avery's fascination with Baby Jesus this year. Avery LOVED all our nativity sets this year and had Baby Jesus all the time. She wanted us to lift her up all the time to see Baby Jesus in our big set on top of the piano and I always found random Baby Jesus figures all over the house that she had stolen from the nativity's. And don't mind her backwards PJs. She insists on dressing herself and will not let anyone help her! She also has mismatched Pjs. She likes it that way. I didn't do a very good job of photographing the tree assembly! This is the only one I really took. We did get the tree out a few days earlier to decorate it and had to wait because we thought that a bunch of the lights were broken. We went and bought new ones and were taking them off the tree when we realized they weren't broken...just unplugged! Ooops!!!
The most exciting part is putting the star on top. They were all fighting, so we decided to let Avery do it, but each of the kids passed it to her. That helped some of the arguing. A little...
Adding our star....
Our finished tree! Notice I did not have the kids dressed in special clothes for this picture.... This is real life! Yeah for Christmas!!!

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