Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Talents and Star Wars

The other day, Logan ate his breakfast exceptionally fast. I should preface this story with saying that morning he REALLY wanted to play Lego Star Wars on the Xbox, so he got up at 6:30! He then proceeded to do his chores so I would let him play as early as possible. One of these chores was to clean his bedroom and Avery left her sippy cup in there, so he took it into her and woke her UP! Not cool! Another chore is a special job from mom, so he then brought Avery into me (I have NO idea how he got her out of the crib...) and asked what he could do for his job.... at 6:36 AM! We are not really morning people at our house, so that is VERY early! Anyway - After all that, we finally got around to breakfast and he ate it really fast! I said, "Holy cow! Logan are you done already?" His response was, "Yeah, Mom. Its one of my many talents. I eat breakfast really fast!"

Lego Star Wars seems to be ruling our LIVES!!! It is the only video game he ever wants to play and one of the only things that gets him to do his chores. For his last reward with chore points, he picked a Star Wars Lego sticker book that he is obsessed with and takes everywhere and spends so much time looking at, which I prefer to the video game. I was also was a BAD parent and bribed him with money for goals in soccer. He is not always that aggressive, so I tried to do something that would get him into the game. It worked pretty well.... The problem was all he wanted to do now was SCORE so he would stand by the goal and say "pass, pass to me" the whole game.... Not quite what I was going for. He got especially into it when he discovered that he could use his money for a Star Wars Lego set and he was a little unbearable at scoring in the last few games. He would be upset if he didn't score, and he somehow managed to score 4 goals in his last game! After the game, he spent all day Saturday asking when we could go and get it and once we finally picked it up he has been so obsessed! He wouldn't even put it on the conveyor when we checked out and after we were done, we realized we hadn't paid for it, so we had to stand in line again. He has played with his little Mandalorian set non-stop and the past couple of mornings, we have woken up VERY early to hear his little gun shot sounds... "pew, pew, pew" in the highest little voice! Darren told him he couldn't get up before 7:30, so he stayed in his room until then and then right at 7:30, he was in our room. He was talking and talking all about Legos and trying to get Darren out of bed to play with him. I don't even think he took a breath! I'm glad he is so excited about something, but I sure wish it didn't have to be so early in the morning! I love my little Lego boy!

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