Monday, May 30, 2011

Road Trip

March 18 - Ever since we finished Dental School, we have been talking to our friends, Jon and Annie, about getting together one weekend with them. They live in Boise, which isn't too far, but is definitely not just a quick trip. We have seen them a couple times as they passed through on their way to visit family and we have been able to meet up for dinner or something, but we haven't spent much time. And we really wanted to see their amazing house and their baby girl who is ONE who we have never even met! And, they have never met Avery. So, after almost THREE years we finally found a weekend that worked for all of us and made the trip! Here are the kids on the LONG and uneventful drive to Boise. It took about 5 hours. Thank goodness for naps, movies and the Leapster!

Avery has finally discovered watching Elmo which has helped a TON with making car trips. I am pretty sure she watched Elmo FIVE or SIX times on the drive, (and we only have ONE Elmo movie...) which means it played right behind my head that many times... My favorite thing is watching her little head bob back and forth when the music starts. "La, la, la,,la,la,la....Elmo's World!" She gets the biggest grin and her head going from side to side is the cutest ever!

So...once we got there, there really aren't any pictures.... So sad! We didn't really do much. We just hung out and chatted and the kids played together great! They have 3 adorable girls and Rylee was especially in heaven. Logan also enjoyed going for a ride on Jon's 4 wheelers and I got to make a trip with Annie to Costco! Yeah!!! I wish we had one of those. Besides that and going out to eat, we mostly just hung out together and watched lots of March Madness Basketball. It was great! We miss them so much! You know how you have those friends who you can not talk to for months and it never really feels different? That is how it is with Jon and Annie! Even though it had been THREE years since we had really hung out, it just felt like old times and we never ran out of things to talk about and we laughed a lot! It was great!!! And Rylee has a new special friend in Shelby. They were so much alike and Rylee asks to see her all the time now.

Sunday morning, we went to their Sacrament meeting and then headed for home, but we did get a couple quick pictures before we left.
Baby Ellie was napping, but here are the other 5 kids. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a good picture of FIVE kids!!! Logan, Avery, Rylee, Libby and Shelby
One more try...and not really any better...
Still not a good one...
Here are the little buddies, Rylee and Shelby. I think they were dancing. They played the entire time together with no fights and got along so well! They spent a lot of the time coloring. It was too cute!
Shelby made Rylee an entire sack of cards for her birthday and insisted we take them all home with us! She also wrapped up a cute little card all by herself to give Rylee since her birthday was in a few days. What a cute little friend!
Me and Annie
Darren and Jon
Driving back home.... Yeah for naps!!!
Rylee enjoying some snacks and a movie
Logan doing the same.

Thanks Jon and Annie for a fabulous weekend! We have missed you so much!!! You were great hosts! Now, it is your turn to come for a visit! Can't wait... Please don't take 3 MORE years!!!

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