Sunday, May 29, 2011


Mar 5 - Logan finally got to go to his VERY first Jazz game! He has been begging to go ever since we moved to Utah and we just haven't been able to figure out a good time to get down there. But for Christmas this year, he got tickets and was SO excited! Dad let him pick the game he wanted to see and he first chose the Suns game, but that ended up not working out with our schedule. His second choice was a Kings game. I was a little bummed for him because the game ended up being right after the whole deal where the Jazz lost both Derron Williams and Jerry Sloan! And then the Jazz lost... a lot! But, luckily they actually saw a win - in DOUBLE overtime! It was great!
I'm bummed that this picture didn't turn out! This was the view from where they sat. Logan was AMAZED how big the ESA arena was and loved the atmosphere, although I don't think it quite compares to the Spectrum. There was no winning team/losing team chant at the end of the game!
Daddy and Logan on their fun date!
Soon after the game started, an older man sat down next to Logan and after a few minutes of listening to Logan cheer and talk about D-Will, he got up and then came back a few minutes later with a bag that he handed to Logan and asked him to take care of it. Inside was a Jazz tshirt. Logan was STOKED! It is a little big, but he LOVES it! Another older lady that was sitting by him also gave him her noisemaker and all of the people in their section were trying really hard to catch him a ball. Logan loved it! He is such a sweet boy and just has that effect on people. Everybody loves Logan!

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