Friday, May 20, 2011

ABC's of Logan

In March, Logan had a special week at school just for him. That Friday was a "Beary Special Me" day and we got to come in and do a little presentation about Logan. It was a lot of fun. My plan was to make a cute little ABC photo book to show the class about him, but Logan insisted that whatever we did had to be a game! So, I came up with the idea to bring a box of things that represented things A to Z and the kids could pick an item and then guess which letter it went to, and I made some posters to put up pictures of him that went with the letter as we went. It got a little too complicated and long for Kindergarten, which my sweet husband tried to tell me before hand, but I was too far into it to change... Logan with his posters
Logan and his teacher

Our fam at Special Me Day! Logan was SO happy that Grandma Boman was able to come. He had been telling her for MONTHS that "everyone's grandma comes to special Me Day"! She had to make special arrangements to leave work, but he was so happy she was there! It was a fun day! We brought doughnuts for the treat and Logan loved his day!

I haven't got a book made yet, but I thought it would be fun to post so at least I have it somewhere. So....Here are the ABC's of Logan

A is for AGGIES!!!

Logan loves the Aggies and he has been able to sing the fight song since he was 2! He loves going to all the games and cheers loud and knows all their names and numbers! His favorite player is Tai Wesley.


These are his favorite Buddies - His Daddy
His cousin Mason

His buddy Carter
His buddy Morgan
And his cute friend Gracie, who he also will tell you he has a crush on!


Logan LOVES chicken and meat! Some other favorite foods are pizza and ice cream. He also LOVES to go and eat. I asked him his favorite restaurant but he couldn't decide because he loves going just about anywhere!

D - Disney!
Logan has been a lucky boy and taken MANY trips to Disneyland and even been once to Disneyworld! These are some of my favorite pics from each trip. The first one was in July 2006 and Logan was just 13 months old. He was at the parade and loved it and had a great time clapping along to the music! I loved his cute ears!
Trip 2 - This was in June 2007 and Logan was almost 2. He met Buzz and he was in AWE!!!Trip 3 - In October 2007 and Logan was about 2 1/2. His favorite thing was the Woody's Roundup show and meeting Woody and visiting the petting zoo there.
Trip 4 - In May 2008, just after Darren finished school. Logan is almost 3 - another Buzz sighting!
Our Disneyworld trip in July 2008 - Logan had JUST turned 3 and I remember that because that meant we had to PAY for his ticket!!! We had a blast there! He loved being with all of the Boman family and visiting all the parks and did so great with all the late nights and early mornings and days of theme park madness! It was a great trip! His favorite rides were the rockets and Toy Story Mania.
Disneyland Trip 5 - In July 2010 and Logan was just barely 5. He loved meeting Mickey and riding the BIG kid rides for the first time! His favorites were Star Tours, Space Mountain and Splash Mountain!


Logan has so much energy and is so full of life! He gets excited about everything and he jumps a lot! He loves to be outside and enjoys any activity where he can run and play! He brings a lot of joy and happiness to our home!

Logan LOVES his family! We have a lot of fun together and love to spend time together. We love going places and having adventures together. Some of our favorite things to do are watch movies, play games and go to sporting events – especially the Aggies!

Logan loves all kinds of games! He loves to play video games and he loves his new Leapster. He also loves sports games and he loves board games. His favorite new board game is Disney Scene It where you watch Disney movie clips and answer questions about Disney movies. He is SO good! He beats us all!

H - HANDSOME!!! Not much else to say....
Logan LOVES Ice Cream! Especially if it is Aggie Ice Cream! He usually chooses BLUE ice cream or he chooses plain old vanilla like Dad.

Logan is a June birthday and we LOVE to celebrate! - Here are his first 5 so far. His first birthday was a Monkey theme. It was my first attempt at cake decorating and I thought it turned out pretty cute!
His 2 year old party was a Backyardigans theme - That Blue frosting was not the BEST idea!!!
His 3 year old birthday was his first birthday back in Utah so we had a big BUZZ party with both sides of the family in our tiny townhouse! It was crowded but so fun!
Logan's 4th birthday was a Lightning McQueen party!
His 5th birthday was a DINO-mite birthday! And the easiest cake I have ever made!!!

So far...he is requesting a Star Wars 6th birthday. We'll see....


Logan on his FIRST day of Kindergarten! Isn't he the cutest?

Logan LOVES Star Wars!!! He loves the toys and the Legos and he LOVES the movies! He even dressed up as Yoda for Halloween and he plays Star Wars all the time at our house and he is obsessed with the video game!


Ever since Logan was little, he LOVED music and anytime music came on, he would dance. He still loves to sing and dance and this year he also started taking piano.


Logan is so funny and he will go and get the paper every morning and check on the scores for his teams – the Aggies, the Jazz and the Heat! He is a big LeBron fan.


Logan is the oldest in our family. He is the best big brother to his little sisters! He plays with them and is so nice to them. He really wants a brother someday, but he is a good sport with the girls!

This was when Logan became a big brother - He was only 21 months old but he loved his sister Rylee and wanted to hold her at the hospital over and over!
The day Logan met Avery. The kids couldn't visit me in the hospital because of all the swine flu stuff, so they had to wait a few days. They were so excited to finally meet her!

For about a year, Logan has decided he would like to be a paleontologist when he grows up. He knows a lot about dinosaurs and loves to read books about them. He can tell you what most dinosaurs are called and pronounce their names better than Mom or Dad!
I had to get a little creative on this letter! Logan loves to laugh! He has a very contagious laugh and when he is laughing, soon everyone is laughing. He says lots of funny things and loves to tell jokes. When he was younger, he had to tell Darren a joke every day before he left for work or school or there would be tears. It was the SAME joke almost every day, too. "Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other SLIDE!" I know you are laughing...

Logan is a really good reader and loves to read ever since he was a little baby. His favorite books are about animals and science and Star Wars. Oh yeah....and Sports Illustrated!!!


Logan LOVES all sports. He likes to play sports and watch them. He has played soccer on a team since he was 3. He is a BIG fan of the Aggies and goes to their football and basketball games and sometimes even hockey and gymnastics (he rode the Zamboni!) He also loves Real Salt Lake soccer and recently went to his very first Jazz game! He got a basketball hoop for Christmas when he was 2 and has played basketball all the time ever since. Once when he was about 18 months old, we sent him out to play in the snow at Grandma's. All he wanted to do was shoot at the BIG hoop and he kept going to the garage for a ball and got himself stuck in a bucket. All you could see were hit boots sticking out of the top and he was stuck! It was hilarious! When he was little he would say, he played golf like Tiger Woods, football like Reggie Bush, and basketball like John Stockton. He could barely talk but he would rattle off their names so quick. It was hilarious!

Logan is a BIG fan! He even makes posters when he watches the game at home. He cracks me up!

T - TV

Logan has LOVED TV since he was little. He used to love Barney and Backyardigans. Now, his favorite show is Wipeout. He also likes Dinosaur Train and Minute to Win It


Logan has a BIG extended family and they are very special to him. He loves all his uncles, but he always has so much fun with my brothers that still live at home. They spoil him! Logan loves being around all his family - He is so lucky to have 2 great-grandmas, 2 grandmas and 2 grandpas, 9 aunts, 12 uncles and 17 cousins!!!!

Logan was born in Las Vegas. He was born 6 weeks early and had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks and have a feeding tube in his nose to help him eat. We lived there until Logan was almost 3 when his Dad graduated from Dental school. One of the things he loved about Vegas was the swimming pool at our condo and going to the park all year long.

At Daddy's graduation just before we moved.


Logan loves the water! This is his going for his FIRST ever swim when he was about 10 months. He loves swimming and has taken lessons since he was 3 and he also loves going to the beach. He has been to Newport Beach and Bear Lake. He loves running in and out of the waves and playing in the sand.


Logan LOVES his Xbox. It was the only thing he wanted for Christmas this year. He loves the Kinect that you can play with no controller. He favorite games are Kinect Sport and Lego Star Wars.


We went to Yellowstone 2 years ago for a family vacation when Logan was 4. He loved it! His favorite thing was Old Faithful. He also loved Bear World.

Logan loves animals! He loves going to anything that has a petting zoo and loves to pet them and talk to them. One of his favorite animals at the zoo is a rhino. One of his favorite places we have visited is Sea World and he loved feeding the dolphins and also seeing Shamu. He says he might want to be an orca trainer when he grows up. He loves to read books about animals and learn about them and says he is a scientist.


Hafen Crew said...

I Love the picture of Logan when he was tiny, smiling, holding your hand. Precious! Your kids are all so adorable.
I got Logan's dress from a company in Utah...their website is
all their stuff is cute!

Kim McCann said...

Love the shout out to Mase! :) Logan is a stud!