Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hockey and Playing Hookey

March 9 - Darren's parents called in March and said they had won a suite to a Grizzly hockey game at a charity auction and had 2 tickets for our family. Darren had to work late, so we thought about not going and giving our tickets up, but Logan really loves hockey games and I was making a trip to Salt Lake the next day anyway, so I decided to make a fun little trip with the kids and go down. I picked Logan up from school that day and we drove to Grandma Boman's where I dropped off the girls and then Logan and I headed off with some of Darren's brothers and their families to watch the Grizzlies!!!
Logan ready for the game!
Logan with some of his cousins at the game. (Logan, Ryan, Taylor, Spencer and Haley) He thought it was SO cool to watch a game from the suite! Especially with all the yummy food! Grandpa Bill got tickets for almost every family to have 2 so we went with Grandma and Grandpa, Brian, Madi, Spencer and Lauren, Kevin and Haley, Matt and Mandy, Taylor and Ryan, and Cory and Katie and me and Logan.
The view from our suite. We picked a great game to go to... if you like fights! And Logan totally does! The Grizzlies got killed, but there were some pretty crazy fights. The first one started with 2 SECONDS off the clock! It was crazy! They threw their gloves off and started punching as soon as the whistle sounded. I guess it is a pretty intense rivalry. Logan was going NUTS cheering and got so excited every time there was a fight. It definitely made things more exciting! I think there were five different major fights with gloves off and punches and everything. Daddy was so sad he missed out!
Grandpa gave Logan $10 to spend on treats! He was so excited! Not that we needed any more food after our buffet in the suite, but Logan decided on an ice cream cone and a churro. He had a great night at the game and even though it was a little crazy to get down there, I am glad he got to go!

Since I had to be back in Salt Lake the next night for Disney on Ice, I decided that we would just stay over at my mom's and I let Logan MISS SCHOOL the next day - (Mar 10)! He thought that was the coolest thing ever! He loves school but missing a day just because made him so excited! Since we were missing school, I figured we had better go and do something fun, so we met up with my sister and went to the Children's Treehouse Museum in Ogden. The kids loved it!
Since they are doing some major renovations at the Ogden Temple, I thought it would be fun to take a pic of my kids in front of it before it looks so different. They didn't cooperate very well though...
The fish are always a BIG hit! They love to look for Nemo!
Avery loved her first trip to the Treehouse Museum! She especially loved that she could be so independent and do so many things on her own. She is very adventurous and keeping track of her is getting to be quite the task. (And the bandaid on her face is so she won't rip out her stitches...)
Rylee making up a tea party for Avery and Ethan
Logan loved climbing up to the top of the tree and dropping down parachutes and then doing it over and over.
One of their favorite places to play was the music room - They all liked trying out the instruments and stayed there for a long time.

Rylee playing with some teeth. She also really liked looking into the microscope.
Ry reading
Logan loved playing on this map! It would ask trivia and then you would go and try and find the spot on the map and it would light up. He loves games like this!
Another favorite part for the kids was the medieval section. They played there for awhile. Avery loved the sword in the stone but she was SO mad it wouldn't come out!
Rylee loved this part because of all the many dress ups they had! She loved putting on costumes and coming out and saying in the microphone, "We proudly present Rylee Webber" or "We proudly present the Princess Rylee". She LOVES to perform and she LOVES to have a microphone!
She dressed Avery up, too...
Logan hard at work on this knight puzzle.
Rylee in another of her costumes
We HAD to ride this horse!
They had a little barn with some life size animals in it and you could actually milk the cow. Well... I think it was just water coming out, but it seemed real for the kids and they all loved this, but especially Ethan. Grandma would squirt the water in his mouth and he would laugh and want to do it over and over again. There was also a sheep in there that moved and made sounds. Avery was hilarious! She couldn't stop watching it, but it also terrified her! She wouldn't get close to it, but she would say Hi and wave over and over. It was so funny to watch.
My girls always love playing in kitchens! They were playing so cute together in here.
Taking a ride on the fire truck. Avery LOVED driving!
Avery and Ethan - They didn't get along so great that day. Probably because they always wanted the SAME thing! Like they both wanted to drive this fire truck and it didn't end well.... But this is the only picture of them together that day.

Rylee LOVED the school! She wanted to tell everyone what to write and especially liked to be the teacher. I love the pic she drew. After a little bit, a school group came in of much older kids and they were the teachers. I thought Rylee would get a little intimated and want to leave, but she just did everything they wanted her too, like a good little student. It was cute!
Avery loved taking care of these babies in the nursery.
Just to prove I was there...
One more try for all the kids in one picture on the firetruck. I love Avery's hat in this one!

Grandma Boman was able to get off work a little early and hang out with us for a little while there and then we all went to lunch at the Pizzaria. It was a little crazy with all of the kids who were really tired and hungry, but it was a really fun day! Thanks Aunt Heather and Ethan and Grandma for coming along with us! After lunch, we had to get back to Grandma's house so Rylee and I would be ready for our BIG date to Disney on Ice! YEAH!!!

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