Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I really want to be better about writing down the funny things my kids do and say. I have tried a lot of different methods for journaling them, but I'm not too consistent. Maybe the blog is a good place... Maybe not since I am already posting so much and still not catching up. Either way, today my kids made me laugh a lot! Here are a few funny moments.

Tonight, Rylee's prayer made me laugh. It went something like this:
Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day. Thank you for our family. Thank you that my brother could play his soccer game and it didn't get cancelled. And my sister...Just so you know, Heavenly Father...she was trying to eat my feet in the bath, but I just kept stealing them away. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Rylee also has this face she pulls...maybe I can capture it with my NEW camera!!!...where she scrunches up her nose so funny. She usually does it when she is thinking or if you ask her something and she says "nah" or something like that. It makes me laugh.

At Logan's soccer game tonight, he scored a goal!!! He was so excited and to celebrate, he ran to the corner and did a knee slide, just like the pros do. It was hilarious! Maybe not the most sportsman like approach, but funny...at least to me. Then, on the way home he said, "After I scored my goal, I checked ESPN and it was the goal of the week." Funny kid!

My little brother Kyle has been staying with us and he and Logan have been playing LOTS of Kinect and Lego Star Wars. Logan LOVES that his Uncle can pass the levels for him. They have also been playing Harry Potter and I think it is so cute to hear them yell out all the spells while they play, like "Protego" and "Expelliarmus". My favorite is "wingardium leviosa", or as Logan says, "I'm the Guardian of Leviosa!"

Little Avery has been so funny lately. She is so expressive! She has these funny screams and facial expressions that just make me laugh. Lately, if I don't listen to her right away or if I am busy with something, she will grab my face and pull it towards what she wants or right next to hers. Today, she was obsessed with our new pet frogs - their names are Tiana and Batman, which also make me laugh. She would stand by the counter and say "raw", which I guess is Frog all day and make funny "Ribbit" sounds that sound a little more like a growl. She would stand on a chair and just watch them and laugh and point for quite awhile. Cheap entertainment, I guess... for her watching the frogs and for me watching her!

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

Logan was hilarious. We're glad we're on your team. If only so we don't miss any more of those ESPN moments.