Saturday, April 9, 2011

The BIG one! has happened! I have hit the BIG 3-0! I have been dreading this day for months, maybe even years!!! When I turned 20, I cried. When I turned 25, I cried again. I thought for sure when I turned 30, I would be a mess! But, it has passed and it wasn't even that bad and there were NO tears. At least not sad ones. Actually, it was quite possible the BEST birthday ever! I might just have to turn 30 every year... It was more of a birthday weekend than just a birthday, and that is exactly how I think birthdays should be!
I have to give most of the credit for my great birthday to this handsome man...
I think I am the luckiest girl in the world! My fabulous husband surprised me with a fabulous get away and just about every great thing that I could have wanted! It was great!

Here is how it went down...On Thursday (the day before my birthday), Darren had the day off for Spring Break, so we took the kids bowling. We planned to go to Baby Animal Days, but it didn't sound too fun in the rain. His mom was coming up to make deliveries for his dad's work and take us to lunch, or so I thought... She was really coming up to stay and watch the kids so Darren could whisk me away on a birthday retreat! I would have been a little more surprised if the massage place wouldn't have called and confirmed my appointment that I knew nothing about the day before, but I was still pretty surprised that we were actually going away overnight and EVERYTHING was taken care of! I only had a few minutes to quickly pack a few things and give a few instructions and we were off! It was so great. It took away all the stress of leaving the kids by not knowing!

We stopped in Layton and got a couples massage. It was great! The only problem was that Darren's massage therapist talked... a LOT... which I don't think they should do. She was asking him a lot about how he could have better posture while working on people and stuff. At one point she said, "Oh! Nice Knots!" but I thought I heard something different, which made things a little interesting... We laughed about that one for the rest of the night.

After our massage, we checked into our hotel in downtown Salt Lake and then I got to choose a place for dinner. I had a hard time because there are so many good places to try and I hate making decisions, but I chose the Melting Pot! Yummy!!!
Mostly because of this big pot of chocolate!!! It was delicious! Then, we went to a late movie (Red Riding Hood) which we never get to do, so it was really fun!
The next morning, we slept in until 10:30!!! That might have been the BEST birthday present of all! It was divine!
THIS is what we had for breakfast! It was SOOO good!!! I had the peanut butter chocolate swirl and the chocolate cake one and Darren had the maple bacon (sounds gross, but it was so good) and the red velvet cake one. I want to go back there again... Soon!!!
Then, Darren went shopping with me! For several hours! Isn't he the best??? I know he hates it, but he was a good sport. I love when he goes with me. He helps me decide on things much more quickly! Sadly, I shopped more for the kids than me, but it was great! Then we met my parents for lunch at Applebee's because I was craving an oriental chicken salad and we don't have an Applebee's in Logan.
I love these guys!!!
I wanted to hit a few more stores, but the SNOW stopped us from doing anymore shopping. Who ordered snow in April??? and on my birthday??? Boo!!! Plus, I wanted to get home and see my cute kiddos and celebrate with them, too. They couldn't wait to give me my presents! They picked them out themselves....with a little help from Dad. Otherwise, I would have ended up with a Pillow Pet and bookshelf. Rylee got me a cute necklace, Logan got me a bracelet and Avery got me some sunglasses. They are the BEST!!!
Then, we went out for a birthday dinner at Fredrico's since the kids wanted to do some birthday celebrating, too. Darren and I were pretty stuffed, but we didn't want to disappoint them...
Avery always tilts her head for picture taking now. Such a funny girl!
We got home and started putting kids in jammies and all of that when there was a knock at the door...
My friend Jill was there and took me away to another surprise!
All these crazy girls that I love in crazy hats at Chili's to celebrate with me! (Tarasha, Jenn, Julie, Stephanie, Me, Emily, Barbi, Amelia hiding behind Jill...) It was a perfect end of my perfect day! Maybe 30 won't be so bad after all...

Oh yeah.... and I also got this....
Am I spoiled or what??? I was shocked! I wasn't expecting any presents after all of that, but I am SOOO excited! I have wanted one forever but could never justify the purchase! Now I just have to learn how to use it...

So, good-bye to the 20s. I am feeling pretty good about that right now, but I might change my mind in a week or 2 when someone asks how old I am and I actually have to say THIRTY!!! Why does that sound so old to me??? I've been thinking and it will be hard to leave the 20s behind. So many great things happened in my 20s! Here are a few highlights for anyone who happened to make it to the end of my rambling post...

*Met and married the MOST amazing husband...ever!!!

*Had three beautiful amazing children that I adore!!!

*Went to the temple for the first time

*Bought our very first house! In my 20s, I lived in an apartment, a house with EIGHT girls, back to an apartment, then an apartment with Darren, a condo and then a townhome and finally our OWN house...with a yard! yeah!!! We also lived in 2 different states.

*Received my Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and helped Darren graduate with his Biology Degree and then Dental School and pass boards and all of that stuff and bought a practice and became REAL grownups...

*Traveled to Europe, New York, Boston, Hawaii, Disneyland (a few times...) California, Disneyworld, Texas, Yellowstone and I'm sure a few others...

*Worked at several jobs including Phonathon Caller for Utah State University, EFY Counselor, Recreation Baseball Supervisor and scorekeeper, Bookkeeper and Staff accountant for a big hotel in Las Vegas. And now am a stay at home mom and work for Darren...some of the time. He should probably fire me!

*Lived with 23 different roommates (before Darren of course) and met many amazing friends!!!

*Been in seven different wards and have been FHE group leader and Linger Longer coordinator (student ward...), pianist, Relief Society secretary (twice!), RS teacher and Primary teacher.

*Still have not spoken in church successfully without a stool... maybe in my 30s...

*Added a mother-in-law, father-in-law, 7 sister-in-laws, 8 brother-in-laws, 8 neices, and 9 nephews to my amazing family! I love them all and am so lucky to have so many people in my support group!!!

*Made some of my VERY best and closest friends!!!

*Lost my grandpa

I feel so blessed! My 20s have been so amazing I have no idea how the 30s could ever top them! Really, there are some of those things that are the most special moments you will ever have... a wedding, the birth of my kids... Those are days that I don't think you can top. And so much of my 20s has been about discovering myself. Moving out and doing all those scary BIG steps in your life and decisions that change your entire life, like college and marriage!

But, I think the 30s are off to a great start! The past 2 days have been amazing! I do have lots of things that I would love to do in my 30s... Maybe have another baby...or 2..., save up for our dream house, pay off our student loans (that might go until we are 60!!!), travel, and start crossing off the things on my bucket list.... I think the 30s will be pretty good, too!

1 comment:

The Webbers said...

It looks like you had a great time!! Wow sleeping in til' 10:30 now that's a present :) Hopefully we can see you guys soon. I'm trying to convince Curt to come up in August for Cameron's first birthday...We'll see how that goes ;)