Thursday, April 14, 2011


For the last few days, Logan has been having special classes at school called Good Touch/Bad Touch that teach the kids about sexual abuse and some safety rules. Darren or I have attended each one, just so we could know what Logan was learning in case he has questions. He hasn't really mentioned much about any of it. Today he and Rylee got into a little fight and Rylee punched him. I told Rylee to say sorry and give him a hug. She started trying to give him a kiss, too, which he hates! She was pulling on his shirt to keep him from getting away and the highest place she could reach was his chest. I told her just to kiss him on the cheek and Logan said, "Yeah Rylee. Stop! That is Sexual Abuse!"

I had so much fun watching Avery eat yesterday. She tries SO hard to use her fork, but just can't quite do it. If she can't put her food on the fork, then she picks it up with her hand and touches it to her fork before she puts it in her mouth. So funny!

Today, Rylee had Joy School at our house and the theme was imagination. We all had to dress up. I will have to post a picture of Rylee's interesting creation. She decided to be a Cinderella Princess Bunny. She had on her Cinderella dress, some jewlery and heels, her red Ariel wig and some bunny ears over her crown, except her crown wouldn't stay on, so it ended up just being bunny ears pretty quickly. She cracks me up!

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