Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Finishing Feburary...

Yeah for finishing another month of blogging...even if it isn't all that current...

Feb 4 - We had a movie night and watched Toy Story 3. We got it for Christmas and it took us until then to convince Logan we should watch it. He was pretty scared of it in the theater and really didn't want to watch it again, but we talked him into it and he did fine. We love a good movie night! We made some little alien milkshakes, which the kids loved!
She is such a cheeser!!!
Avery LOVED the licorice we bought. She was a sticky mess!
Feb 5 - Our cute little Aggie fans ready for another game! Now that Rylee has a new cheer outfit, Avery can wear the old one. It is so cute!
Avery loves to cheer for the Aggies!
Feb 7 - The Boman side of the family came up and we all went to see El Bandito at Utah State. It was so great! We saw it in Bear Lake a couple summers ago, and it was one of our favorite things! It is hilarious! This was a sequel and they did it at Bear Lake this summer, but we never made it up there, so when we found out it was here, we were really excited and got tickets! Darren was ice fishing with some friends, so he missed out. Grandma and Grandpa came up, as well as Heather and Jay and Ethan and Brad and Kyle and Brian and Vanessa. We had dinner at our house and then headed up to campus. The kids had a great time! Avery was a bit of a stinker, but we survived! She entertained Brian and Vanessa by making lots of her funny faces at them during the show.
Rylee and Logan watching the play with Grandpa! They were pretty obsessed with this play for awhile and Rylee had to play that she was "Leela" (it was Leila, but Rylee called her Leela for some reason) and Logan was El Bandito. It seriously was SO funny!

After the show, the kids got to meet the characters and they LOVED that! Logan went right up and gave the sheriff a BIG hug like it was a character at Disneyland! I'm not sure he knew what to think...
Rylee and "LeeLa" (or Leila...)
For some reason, this pink bunny was a big attraction for the kids and they couldn't wait to meet him, even though he was only in the show for a second. Avery was terrified of it though and screamed when we even got close, so she isn't in the picture.
Feb 8 - Not THAT is a bad hairday!!! Avery's hair is SO crazy when she wakes up. It always makes me laugh.
Feb 8 - Logan made it to his 100th day of school!!! He had to make something out of 100 things and he decided on this poster. He used 100 Fruit Loops and wrote USU and then a lightning Bolt. He came up with it all on his own and was very proud of his creation! He loves Utah State! They did lots of fun things in his class to celebrate 100 days of school. I can't believe that much time has gone by!
Feb 9 - Logan's school had a hoe down! My friend Summer was nice enough to help me out with my girls so that me and Logan could have a little date! We did lots of square dancing and it was so much fun! He learned to do-si-do and promenade and all that square dance stuff. We had a great night together.
Rylee wanted her picture taken, too. She was all ready to go to her tumbling class!
Feb 10 - Rylee had her little Valentine party at Joy School. It was a little bit before Valentine's so I hadn't even taken my kids to pick their Valentine's out, so we had to do some last minute crafting when I realized that Rylee's party was that day! Rylee made her very own. They turned out cute and were VERY Rylee!

Feb 10 - My friend did the cutest little LOVE lunch! We had a great time and exchanged favorite things and let the kids play and did some chatting and eating...some more favorite things. It was all set up so cute! She is so fabulous! I'm sad I didn't get a picture of the mommies...only these cute kiddos!
Rylee at the Love lunchFeb 10 - While I was at the Love lunch, Logan had Special Friends day at his school. He got to have Grandma and Grandpa Webber come up and go to his class and make a little Valentine bag with him and sing some songs for them. They loved it and he was so happy to have them there! I was sad that I didn't get to see all that they did, but luckily, Grandma took pictures for me!
Logan singing and doing some actions
Logan and his Valentine Bag
Logan and Grandma Pat
Logan and his cookie
Hugs for Grandpa Bill
Feb 11 - I have recently discovered that I can play music on my phone. I am not all that into technology and don't really know these things very often. Luckily, I have teenage brothers who show me how these things work. I have found that the music can be quite helpful! My kids will do a great job picking up if I say that we are going to do a one song pick-up and put on one of their favorite songs. They love the music and will run around and help really good! Rylee also always wants to have dance parties and performances. Ever since she went to her friend Madi's recital, she is always dancing. This is a dance party day - Not the best picture, but I just love her dance parties! She was doing a full performance on the bed while I watched (and videoed). She always has to announce herself and then she pretends she is 4 or 5 different people and makes up names and calls them out as she skips across the stage as an introduction for each one, just like at the recital. She cracks me up! Avery was in on the action, too, but I didn't get a good picture of her. She loves jumping and dancing and she likes to hold the phone the whole time the music is playing.
Feb 11 - My little candy thief has struck again! She stole all the yummy candy from the LOVE lunch out of my purse and when I found her, she started trying to shove it all in her mouth so I couldn't take it away. Little stinker!
Feb 12 - Our good friends, the Barkers, came into town for the weekend and we were able to meet up with them for dinner and go to the Aggies game. It is so fun to hang out with them when we can! Their little baby girl is also Avery, so these are the 2 Avery's hanging out. They are only 2 months apart.
Dean, Avery and Drew. Avery has lots of allergies, but she LOVES her meat! She cleaned those ribs right down to the bone! Jenn was getting tickets for the game when we took pictures, so she is missing...
Rylee loves eating at Chili's!
Buddies Logan and Drew
What a cute little bunch of Aggie fans!!! I love it! Logan, Avery, Drew, Rylee and Avery
Some of the people who usually sit by us weren't there, so the Barker's were able to sit by us. It was so fun! Logan and Drew had a great time! I'm not sure Drew knew what to think about Logan and all his cheering at first, but pretty soon they were cheering and having so much fun together.
U.... S..... U.....
Mommy and Avery
The foam fingers are always a hit! I love the serious face Avery has. She is really into cheering!
Ry and Daddy
Feb 15 - Avery has a marker obsession! Any time the kids are coloring, she seems to find them and EAT them! She always takes a bite off of the tip and then the markers are a mess and get everywhere! This time it was a blue marker and she looked a bit like a smurf.
Feb 15 - This was a really warm day. We played outside for quite awhile and the girls had a great time running around and riding bikes. We thought maybe Spring was coming soon, but we were wrong! Rylee just loves her Princess chair. Side note - Rylee was trying panties on this day ...Something we have been doing off and on for awhile now. She had an accident while we were out playing. I'm pretty sure she had already peed her pants before we took this picture...
Feb 16 - Avery LOVES anything that resembles a purse. She cracks me up how she will throw it over he shoulder and walk around. Where does she learn this stuff???
Feb 17 - We had a couple left over Valentine's cookies, so Rylee made some as an after school snack for when Logan got home. I think she got a little carried away with the candy, but she was quite proud of her creation!
Frosting face
Feb 20 - Just playing in the toy room. Sometimes I just like to get the camera out and take pictures of the kids doing whatever they normally do. Here is Avery dressed in Logan's Yoda Halloween costume. I guess that one is not really the norm, but she looked so funny! They love to dress her up and she loves doing whatever they are doing and trying to be as big as they are.
Logan playing Star Wars and shooting something with his lightsaber. He is SO into Star Wars stuff and lately he has this high pitched noise he does for shooting. It is enough to make some one crazy, but he entertains himself pretty well with it.
Rylee is really into letters right now. And she is always lining things up... She was having a great time with this board in the playroom.
Feb 21 - For FHE, we had S'mores for dessert. Avery REALLY like them! I love that messy face...and that is chocolate! Not poop!!!
Feb 26 - Rylee got a hold of the camera... She LOVES to take pictures and they are all usually VERY close! Feb 27 - We had cupcakes for dessert and Logan was complaining that he didn't like the frosting. Dad dunked his face in it! We all had a good laugh over it...especially Logan!
Feb 28 - Logan had his special Me week at school! He was SO excited and HAD to wear his Aggie jersey! He said he wanted to wear it because everyone drew a picture of him and what he was wearing and he wanted it to be his Aggie jersey. I found out when we went to school that they don't draw the picture until Wednesday, so he had to wear the jersey again on that day. Such a funny boy! More on Special Me Day to come... That will have to be another post!

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