Thursday, September 30, 2010


I still have a million posts that I am working on and that I am behind on - Avery's birthday, Logan's birthday WAY back in June, our Disney vacation, Rylee's preschool....the list goes on and on! But, I can't wait anymore to post these pictures!
I took Avery for her one year pictures to my favorite photographer and they turned out amazing! I thought it would be fun to take a cake and let her go crazy since it is her big ONE year old birthday. I still can't believe that we are really at this point! The cake turned out cute and these pictures were awesome!!! I had to share - There are still more of her one year pictures to come. Happy Birthday Avery!

Love that cake face!


The Ollies said...

Oh my gosh--so cute! I love the cake!

Karmann said...

What a cute idea with the cake! you are such a picture savy! I love them! THey turned out so cute!!! I am still in shock that she is one and another year has gone by! Crazy!!! I love looking at her in pictures cause i can see Ry and Logan in her so much! I love you!!!!

Emily said...

adorable... the hat, the leg warmers, the tu tu, the giant cupcake...

and that baby... oh my- she is the most adorable of all!!

Must be because she has thee most adorable momma ever:) love ya!