Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where the Wild Things are

The kids and I had a busy Salt Lake weekend in June and made a trip to the Hogle Zoo. (June 5) It was our first trip there in a long time and Avery's very first zoo trip, so that was kind of exciting! It was a crazy weekend!
I headed down with the kids on a Friday to do some shopping and get my hair done for family pictures. The plan was that Darren was supposed to head down later that night and meet me and then head to his parent's house to sleep over so we could be ready for my niece Katey's baptism early the next morning. Darren was working on the sprinklers and there was a freeway closure problem, so he ended up not coming. We were a little sad, but I decided if we were already down there, we might as well do something fun. So, after the baptism on Saturday we met up with my sister to go to the zoo! It was Avery's first trip and we had lots of fun!
These tigers were laying right by the fence so we got to see them right up close! I think tigers are so pretty.

It was lunch time when we got there, so our first stop after the tiger was lunch! Ry had to have a PINK drink, even though it was a dinosaur.
Logan wanted a lion water bottle.
Cute Avery
The girls had cute matching giraffe hats, but they didn't really want to cooperate for a picture! Avery is looking in this one...
Rylee is looking in this one...
Avery ready to see some animals!

Rylee and Logan looking at some kind of cat.
My cute nephew Ethan. He and Avery are only about 3 weeks apart. It is so fun to play together with them! I can't believe it with all my picture taking, but there are NO pictures of me and my sister together. Sad!

Avery was really interested in watching the tiger
You can't see us too well because of the back light but this tiger was one of our favorite things of the whole day. He was down splashing in the water and was really fun to watch!

We tried to get a picture here, but it was SO hot it didn't work out very well. It was a really hot day to be at the zoo!
Rylee looking at a snow leopard - I just love the way she is sitting and how she just pushes her way up to see it. She was so funny all day - I think she overheard me talking with some family about the zoo and all the animals that had died there recently and how it wasn't as good as it used to be. (There were no bears and no zebras.) Every time we saw a sleeping animal, Rylee would look concerned and say "Is it dead?"

Logan and the snow leopard.

Rylee and the snow leopard - No Ry, its not dead!
My girls and me with the giraffes - My favorite zoo animal!
One more try with me and the girls - Avery looked cute in this one, so I had to post it!

Avery playing peek a boo

Logan was SOOO excited to see the penguins for some reason. He was waddling all around like a penguin and being so funny.
Avery loves her sippy!
Logan usually hates when I take pictures, but he posed himself on this rhino. Cute boy!

Peeking at the elephants
Baby Zuri - She was seriously the cutest thing ever! She made the trip to the zoo worth it and we watched her for quite awhile.
Us with Baby Zuri
Gotta do this classic shot! Too bad Avery isn't bigger so she could stand up on the little monkey - Maybe next time! There were no gorillas to look at though. The zoo seemed a little empty this time.

My little monkeys
All 3 Monkeys!
This is the other classic zoo shot you have to have!
Avery looking SOOO sleepy!
I think Logan and Rylee's favorite part was the playground. They had so much fun! It was a little stressful for me though. By then, both Ethan and Avery were asleep and me and my sister took turns sitting with the babies and chasing Logan and Rylee. However, Logan and Rylee kept running off in opposite directions. Rylee loved the playground, and especially the snake slide that was far away from where we were and Logan loved the tunnels with the bats and the little prarie dog holes where we couldn't see him either. I thought I lost them both several times, so I was glad when we were finally done. We were all hot and tired!
Rylee loves posing for pictures

It's harder to get a good picture of Logan! He is so busy!

Me and Rylee popping up in the hole
Me and Logan peeking out - Logan loved this place SO much! He was obsessed with the bats.
The kids were really good all day, for the most part, so we got a special treat at the end of the day! Ice Cream!!! Logan had to make one last stop at the reptile house (I hate the reptile house! That is usually the one that Darren loves....) before we left and then we were ready to go home.
We had such a fun day, but we did miss our daddy! I think this is the first trip to the zoo without him. We loved playing with Aunt Heather and Ethan though. Thanks for inviting us guys! It was a crazy weekend in Salt Lake and my sister did my hair after the zoo and I think we got home around 11 pm that night, but we survived and so did our daddy and he got lots of sprinklers done without all of our interruptions!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

This is pretty impressive you have this blogged already!!!! Such fun pictures!!!